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Learn from my mistakes. I got a job, but it took me a year, 1100+ applications, and failing 11 final interviews. Here is what you don't do while job searching.

Sure, there are plenty of posts from people who applied to a job and got an offer 30 seconds later. Good for them. But if you're on this sub, you're probably running into more difficulty. I did. Job hunting these days is inherently pretty hard, but there are plenty of things I did wrong during my job hunt that could have saved me time and trouble. I'm a 35 year old in product marketing in the bay area, so this advice may or may not apply to you.
Most of this advice is not new, you may have seen it elsewhere. Well, HEED MY WORDS! You should take that advice.
Here are my don'ts of job hunting:
e: Here's the real #1 piece of advice because someone brought it up in the comments: Don't Not Have A Network. The main reason I had such a hard time was I moved to a new city where I didn't have a professional relationship with ANYONE. I think if you're applying without a friend on the inside, it reduces your odds by 80-90%, based on random factoids we've all seen that say 80% of jobs are never posted publicly.
I went to networking events and coffee meetups and blah blah blah, but COVID put a stop to that before I could make much progress. The biggest piece of advice (by far) is just to have a friend who can get you a job. But if you're reading this, you would have done that already if you could have.
Don't try to get by without doing the standard "best practice" stuff.
I spent a while thinking I could get away without making a customized resume for different jobs. I also thought I would probably have the right keywords naturally, and that I didn't have to worry about that either. WRONG. I wasted many weeks submitting poorly optimized resumes and getting few interviews.
What you should do is have at least one version of your resume customized for each job title you're applying to. That means if you're applying for Sr. Widget Fiddler and Director of Widget Fiddling, you need 2 versions.
Keyword optimize each resume version by copy-pasting 50+ job descriptions for that job's title into a tool like Voyant Tools, which will spit out all the most common words and phrases. Find the most frequent ones that seem important and relevant, and work them into your resume, even if it seems weird to refer to yourself as a "team player" or "entrepreneurial".
Don't be bad at interviewing, not even a little bit bad.
Being a good interviewee is a skill. Most of us aren't born with that skill, and most of us are rusty when it comes time to look for a job. I knew I wasn't great at interviewing, but I really didn't want to go through awkward practice interviews with friends, so I told myself people would understand why I was all nervous, and realize I was still super talented and experienced despite my 'rough edges'. WRONG. I blew it on a lot of interviews before admitting that I had to practice, a lot. I did a bunch of practice interviews, got feedback, and I even talked to an interview coach. The latter was expensive, but I think the dose of outside perspective really helped. YMMV.
I practiced enough that I started getting to final rounds instead of washing out in the first couple rounds. It made a huge difference. Practice.
Don't wing it during the interview.
For 'behavioral' questions (i.e. "tell me about a time when..." questions) everyone says you need to have multiple answers memorized for every major category of question. Ugh! So much work. Greatest weakness. Success story. Failure story. Conflict story. Collaboration story. YAWN. I thought I could come up with good answers on the spot. It's "supposed to be a conversation", right? WRONG. I blew it on a couple interviews before realizing I was coming across as both unprepared AND inexperienced.
Sit down and work out your bullet points for every answer, BEFORE you land an interview. Pain in the butt? Yes. But not as big a pain as getting an interview, blowing it, then ending up doing the work anyway.
Don't apply to old job listings.
If it's still up, they're still hiring, right? WRONG. I have found that job listings are good for about as long as fresh bread. You mostly want to apply the day they're posted, 2-3 days is OK, 5 days is pushing it, beyond that, it's literal trash. I started out applying to anything relevant that was less than a month old, and my app-to-interview yield was around 1%. Started applying to new listings exclusively, and my yield went to more like 3%. YMMV.
Don't apply to listings that aren't on the employer's own site.
It's become disturbingly common for 3rd-party sites to steal and re-post job listings they have nothing to do with. You click on a link on LinkedIn or Indeed, and you end up on Neuvoo or some random BS. Don't submit any of your info on those sites. Very often the jobs are expired already, but these 3rd-party scammers are still re-posting them to steal your info. Even if they're not expired, there's no reason to think they actually send your application to the employer.
If you land somewhere unexpected, go to the employer's actual careers section on their site and find the listing yourself. Otherwise you're just giving your info to someone to sell, and the employer probably never sees it. Please report these listings as you go.
Don't be too picky with job titles.
Unless your resume precisely "fits the profile" employers are looking for, you're going to have to apply a lot. I had to apply a lot. At first, I was exclusively applying to one title, because although I didn't "fit the profile" I didn't want to compromise. I ended up getting a really solid job with a different title, after I loosened my criteria JUST a tad.
Have a serious talk with yourself about how many months you're willing to apply before broadening your search, and don't talk yourself out of good jobs because they have the "wrong" title.
Don't be too loose with companies you apply to.
At a couple points in the process, I ended up with interviews at companies that I seriously didn't want to work for. I was playing the numbers game and I would apply to anything with the right title, even if I hadn't heard of the company. I figured if I got an interview, I would worry about the company later.
Difficulty: If you are on unemployment, this can lead to a sticky situation - if you turn down an offer, you legally can't collect unemployment anymore in many places. It's also pretty hard to justify to yourself turning down ANY interview if you actually need the money.
Have a loose idea of who the company is before applying, to avoid those awkward moments.
Don't stop applying until the ink is dry on your offer letter.
My advice is to apply to every suitable listing as soon as it's posted, which could be as many as 10-30 per day depending on your field and geography. If things are going well, you'll also have interviews going on during any given week, which also put heavy demands on your mental energy and prep time.
It is tempting to stop applying for jobs if you are doing multiple interviews and they seem to be going well. You need the time, and one of them has to work out, right? WRONG. It happened to me multiple times - I'd get further along in an interview process, I'd be focusing on prep, and I'd let my application routine slip. Bad idea. If your application pipeline runs dry, it can be another 2-6 weeks before the interviews start flowing again. ABA - always be applying.
Don't get your hopes up. (maybe the most important tip.)
Your mental resilience to rejection and your self-regard are finite resources. They are resources you need to conserve to maintain your overall mental health and good job-hunting habits. Job hunting can burn through these resources like Joe Exotic through a bag of meth. Don't be like me and get emotionally invested in any given job before you get an offer. Don't start picking out all the stuff you're going to buy with the new salary. Don't start thinking of what doors are going to open up for you with this step in your career. Don't mentally pick out outfits for your new commute. Just don't.
I consider myself a mentally tough person, so I should be able to handle the repeated rejection, right? WRONG. If you allow yourself to start caring about a job before you GET the job, you WILL be crushed to bits. Maybe not the first time, but after the 5th, or the 10th, it becomes hard to take.
To some of the newer job hunters I've seen on this sub: Caring about a job from the day you APPLY? Sheer lunacy. You shouldn't even remember where you applied by the time you go to bed that day.
Keep in mind: It's a numbers game. It's not personal. You WILL get the right job eventually, if you keep going. You have to maintain faith in yourself, but hold no hope for any particular job.
In emotional terms, treat it less like a poker game, (where any hand can be a big deal) more like a slot machine (where you care zero until you finally win). No matter how tough you think you are, take care to maintain your mental state, especially during COVID where so many aspects of life are also wearing down our mental health.
Don't be afraid to be a try-hard.
The role I finally got was based largely on a "take home project" used to demonstrate my working style. It was paid, also really long, the minimum suggested time was 10 hours. Usually I put 70% effort into trial projects, because I don't want to bust my ass for a throwaway, and I don't want to look desperate. My thinking is "Well, we're all professionals, so as long as I mention a few of the right things, they'll know we're on the same level, right?" WRONG.
On this one, I decided to go HAM on the project. All or nothing. I ended up putting over 20 hours into it, (the max time they suggested was 20) and came up with a total overkill amount of material, it was probably 20 pages worth, if not more. To give some idea, I spent like 4 hours just doing addressable market sizing, which everyone including me acknowledges is fairly pointless.
Part of the project was also to see how we communicate about our work - they put me on their company slack, so I logged onto it pretty much every day to update them on my progress. It was firmly in try-hard weirdo territory. But it worked!
So I guess my lesson from this is, if you're going to bother with these projects, be the one who turns in the blue ribbon material.
NB: Be aware of "free work" scams where they try to get you to do the actual job without hiring you for the job. If it's pertinent to the actual job and it's more than an hour or two of work, it should be paid. Unpaid trial projects that don't relate to the actual business are OK, but you'll have to decide for yourself how much time you're willing to put in for free.
Don't assume ***anything*** until it's final.
In 3 instances, I got much further than I expected in a hiring process, and in one I was blindsided by a rejection where I thought I was a shoo-in. #1, they interviewed me for the role (up to the final round) even though the job called for an actual engineer and I have zero engineering experience.
In #2, I blew an interview and got rejected. I knew exactly how I blew it, I got the yips and did poorly. So I sent an email reply explaining what I SHOULD have said, and that I really believed in the company's mission, and that I realize I was a poor interviewee, but I was working on it - they actually gave me another shot and I made it to the final round.
In the last unexpected twist story, they actually scheduled a final interview, then CANCELLED IT. I have been rejected for about a million jobs, but I've never been cancelled on. They said that instead of an interview, they would just review my trial project. I couldn't imagine cancelling an interview with someone you intend to hire, so I assumed this 'review' was just a consolation prize and the job was going to someone else. On the day the cancelled interview was meant to take place, they offered me the job. Huh???? Later that day I rode to heck on a flying pig and bought a snowcone there. But I also got a job.
On the other side of things, I was told directly I was the top candidate for a role, the only one who was really qualified, but because of COVID they were putting the role on hold. OK cool, I figured I was a shoo-in once they actually hired for it. Well, they re-listed the job about 45 days later. They didn't reach out to me. I messaged them. They told me I wasn't even going to get a phone screen for it. WTF? They lied to my face for no reason whatsoever? Yep. They did.
The lesson: Do not assume anything! ANYTHING!
submitted by the-incredible-ape to jobs [link] [comments]

oh, you're making change all right.

this happened a few years ago, but its still one of my favorite stories.
I was riding my motorcycle to go get dinner at a fast food place for myself and wife and I realized as I got near the restaurant that all I had was a $100 bill and some loose change. Knowing that the fast food place wouldn't break a $100, I pulled up to a gas station and parked at the pumps as it was the most convenient parking. as I waited in line a woman in front of me paid $80 in bills for fuel cigarettes and beer. As they finished the transaction, I politely asked "while you have your drawer open, could you please break a $100?"
The clerk gave me a snotty look and said "I don't make change!" and slammed the register shut.
(side note here, I live in Vegas so I could have put the $100 in a slot machine at the gas station and then cashed out. It's what the clerks usually ask you to do. but.... This lady had me a little pissed due to her tone)
so I said "No problem, I understand, can I please get $20 on pump 6?" (this is where I usually am asked to put money in a slot machine)
she gladly gave me $80 in cash and I walked outside and pumped $0.03 into the gas tank. walked back in and told her "it didn't all fit and I need my change for pump 6. oh, and I have 3 cents here so if you could just give me back a $20"
she said "that's not how you make change"
well bitch, "it worked for me!"
submitted by snotwimp to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

The Basic Weapons for Success: PvP

Hello all!
It's no secret that Destiny 2 has objectively never been more accessible to the average user, what with the game going Free to Play on all platforms and with crossplay coming later this year, it's safe to say we're more inundated with new guardians than ever. While the PvE scene is filled with helpful guides as always on what general guns are good to watch out for, what activities to grind in order to obtain your basic work horse weapons, the average kinderguardian will be walking into the Crucible playlist right now and have little to no clue what to utilise in order to keep up with today's weapon meta. To counteract this issue, this is a guide that will consist of how to obtain relevant guns for PvP success split up into 3 segments!

The 3 sections of this guide will consist of:

Tier 1: World/Playlist Drop Weapons
These are weapons that can drop through Strikes, Crucible or Gambit, and are available to all players regardless of whether they are solo or in a clan! If you aren't sure what you're looking for having just started out or if you've always written off PvP and just now want to get into it due to that slick looking Trials armor, this section will set you up with simple to obtain weapons that will treat you well.

Tier 2: Targeted Sources (Mid-Game)
These weapons' sources will come from specific matchmade activities (Altars of Sorrow, Iron Banner, etc.) While you will not run into these naturally and will have to go out of your way to do these activities, the weapons that drop from them will reward your investment. While these activities will be easier with a group, they still have solo paths to farming weapons.

Tier 3: Targeted Sources (End-Game)
In this tier, the weapons will either come from end-game PvE activities (Secret Missions, Raids) or end-game PvP activites (Trials of Osiris). Up until this section no weapons have required DLCs, however Tier 3 will assume you have access to all 3 DLCs and the ability to LFG for a group. If you are not used to end-game activities wherein you are forced to go out of your way to find a fireteam, being a solo player or new to the game, there are various ways to do so. Destiny 2 on PC has various LFG Discords and, though I am not an Xbox player myself, I've been told there is an in-game LFG system for those platforms.

A final note before we begin the guide: regardless of perk pools and stats, weapons are very personal! If you find a gun you feel works for you & you can slay out crucible matches with it then use it, regardless of whether it's the crustiest blue hand cannon you've ever seen. In addition, these tiers do not denote a gun's worth or effectiveness, only the ease through which you may obtain it: some Tier 1 guns may feel "better" than Tier 3 guns, it's all up to you.

Tier 1

Bottom Dollar: Void Hand Cannon, 120 RPM (Source: Gambit match completions)
Bottom Dollar is a potential drop from every Gambit match completion, win or loss. Its perk pool is gargantuan, with 12 potential perks in each main perk slot, however this works in the guns favour in that it has many potential usable rolls. Feeding Frenzy + Rampage, Quickdraw + Opening Shot, Rangefinder + Opening Shot, Outlaw + Multikill Clip or any combination of all these perks will provide you with a slow but reliable PvP Hand Cannon attainable relatively simply. Simply, however, does not mean easily, as the drop rate from the end-of-playlist-activity weapons is rather low & diluted with other world drop weapons at the moment.

Frozen Orbit: Void Sniper, 72 RPM (Source: Crucible match completions)
Frozen Orbit drops in the same way as Bottom Dollar, however instead may drop from any Crucible match completion. 72 RPM snipers usually have low handling, and so either Quickdraw or Snapshot Sights is considered essential by the majority of the community. If you land a Frozen Orbit with either of these perks it will do well as a high power-cap reliable PvP sniper, though as you will see, Aggressive Frame snipers can feel sluggish and heavy in comparison to some of the other snipers on this list.

Retrofuturist: Void Shotgun, 80 RPM (Source: World drops/Gunsmith Engrams)
Retrofuturist has the potential to drop through any legendary engram, and though it may appear bland, do not overlook this as a strong & reliable gateway into shotgunning. As a lightweight frame its handling is intrinsically higher, however Quickdraw is still an S-tier perk on any Retrofuturist. For your second perk column you can pair anything with Quickdraw, however for PvP either Snapshot Sights or Swashbuckler will most likely provide you with the best neutral-game benefits. For your barrel & magazine options, either Rifled Barrel or Full Choke are your best options for any shotgun, & Accurized Rounds for your magazine perk, though magazines do not massively affect shotgun consistency in PvP.

True Prophecy: Kinetic Hand Cannon, 120 RPM (Source: World drops/Gunsmith Engrams)
True Prophecy sports an impressive perk pool full of desirable traits, however is marred by its power cap. The gun sunsets at the end of this season, a phrase that will crop up multiple times, and means that its power will be capped at a certain amount for the rest of Destiny 2 unless it is reissued in a different form. While this does not affect regular playlist activities, anything power enabled will chew through sunset weapons, & it is heavily advised not to use them in any competitive scenario. If you do manage to land a True Prophecy you will be looking for any roll with Opening Shot or Rangefinder to pair with Rampage, Explsoive rounds or Timed Payload. Any roll will perform well, however these will provide the most consistent success.

Stars in Shadow: Solar Pulse Rifle, 340 RPM (Source: Crucible match completions)
Though it may not look like much, Stars in Shadow will eat alive anyone who underestimates it, and has carried me to the Lighthouse with its strengths. Another weapon with a deep perk pool Stars in Shadow has the potential for some incredible consistency, such as Firmly Planted + Headseeker, Killing Wind + Moving Target, Surplus + Demolitionist, and the incredible Outlaw + Kill Clip. If you see a Stars in Shadow drop, do not overlook it, as the time-to-kill of High-Impact Pulse Rifles is not at all to be overlooked, and Stars in Shadow will likely be the easiest attainable one for the foreseeable future.

Xenoclast IV: Arc Shotgun, 80 RPM (Source: Strike completions)
Xenoclast is an oddity in that despite it not rolling with Quickdraw it still presents a strong option in its diverse perk pool and Lightweight Frame for any aspiring shotgunners. Interesting perks include Slideshot/Slideways + Killing Wind, Surplus + Demolitionist or any Auto-Loading Holster roll. While Xenoclast will not stretch to the lengths that other PvP shotguns will, nor will it provide the best results, it is a solid Lightweight Frame shotgun that will get the job done while you search for something better.

Honorary Mention: Felwinter's Lie: Solar Shotgun, 55 RPM (Source: Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive)
No list of PvP weapons would be complete without mentioning Felwinter's Lie, however it may not hold its oppressive dominance over competitive Crucible for long enough to be considered an option worth recommending for numerous reasons. First of all, the shotgun sunsets at the end of the current season, and so you will get at most 3 more months of mileage out of it in Trials of Osiris & Iron Banner before the gun becomes unworthy of your energy slot. Second, its source of the Exotic Archive makes it a guaranteed drop, however for the hefty price of an Ascendant Shard it may not be the most accessible for a player first starting out. Its rolls of Quickdraw + Opening Shot cannot be beat, and the Shot Package perk providing it with a fixed spread mean that it is among the most consistent shotguns in the history of Destiny 2, but as far as competitive options go you would be better off not getting used to having this for too long.

Tier 2

The Palindrome: Void Hand Cannon, 140 RPM (Source, Nightfall: The Ordeal Completions *May require DLC depending on the week)
The Palindrome is a returning classic from Destiny 1, and while it may no longer be present in the Kinetic slot, it still packs some killer perk options. Outlaw + Rampage, Killing Wind + Rangefinder, Quickdraw + Rangefinder, even Overflow + Rampage if you want to get especially frisky. Its drop source is its biggest obstacle, in that it will only drop when it is the rotated weapon in Nightfall: The Ordeal, and depending on the week it may be a strike that requires DLC to own. If you own everything however, Palindrome will be a consistent and powerful option, its Adept version even moreso if you eventually brave a Grandmaster Ordeal.

Blasphemer: Kinetic Slug Shotgun, 65 RPM (Source: Altars of Sorrow Moon Event/Pit of Heresy Dungeon)
While there are technically two versions of the Blasphemer, one with exclusive perks dropping only from the Shadowkeep Dungeon and one with general perks, for the purposes of PvP you need only worry about one roll: Quickdraw + Opening Shot. This roll can be acquired through completion of the Altars of Sorrow public event in Sorrow's Harbour on the Moon when the boss that day is dropping the shotgun, or at any point if you find a group for the Dungeon, but either will award you with your new Slug Shotgun. While these are not as easy to utilise as pellet shotguns, their ranges can stretch farther and being in the Kinetic slot, there are many weapons you can pair with Blasphemer. As a bonus, as far as I am aware, Altars of Sorrow and their associated weapon drops are free to all players, and so even without access to Pit of Heresy you can still obtain this weapon regardless.

Bite of the Fox: Kinetic Sniper Rifle, 72 RPM (Source: Iron Banner match completions/Token turn-ins)
Bite of the Fox is the first Iron Banner weapon on the list and it presents a unique opportunity in a Kinetic PvP sniper. Snapshot + Opening Shot will be a roll to prioritise, however the gun's ability to roll Snapshot + Moving Target may appeal to the more mobile Sniper Rifle players. The only other current Kinetic Aggressive Frame Sniper is locked behind Beyond Light's Deep Stone Crypt raid, and while it certainly does make for a good PvP Sniper, Bite of the Fox is far more attainable for the average player.

Adored: Arc Sniper Rifle, 90 RPM (Source: Forging Your Own Path quest)
Adored, while not the most unique of options, may be the only sniper some players use until it is sunset. Not only is it based on the fan favourite Sniper Rifle Beloved, it plays like it; with Snapshot Sights and Killing Wind Adored is a consistent, if potentially grind-gated option. Though the quest isn't necessarily complicated, if you choose the Crucible path to gaining Adored you will want some sniping expertise beforehand, however your efforts will be rewarded with the perfect pairing to any kinetic weapon for those longer ranges.

The Steady Hand: Kinetic Hand Cannon, 120 RPM (Source: Iron Banner match completions/Token turn-ins)
The Steady Hand provides a reliable, if slightly less powerful alternative to True Prophecy upon its eventual sunset at the end of this season. While Steady Hand's perk selection is lacking in comparison to its competition, an Outlaw + Swashbuckler roll presents some brutality, or my personal pocket pick; Quickdraw + Wellspring. There are merits to Quickdraw + Snapshot Sights too, however Steady Hand's main niche is simply being a reliable 120 RPM Kinetic Hand Cannon. It has a niche, and it fulfills it to great effect.

Extraordinary Rendition: Kinetic Submachine Gun, 750 RPM (Source: Battlegrounds Playlist/Chosen-Focused Umbral Engrams *Requires Season Ownership)
Extraordinary Rendition appears as the first PvP-oriented Submachine Gun on the list, and for good reason. Until recently, console/controller viability for Submachine Guns was next to none due to barely controllable recoil, however with recent changes the archetype is usable for short-mid range gunfights for a powerful pocket tool. Extraordinary Rendition lives up to its name with some extraordinary rolls, such as Zen Moment + Tap the Trigger, Overflow + Multikill Clip/Rampage, and a strong newcomer perk, Frenzy. Though definitely not viable on every map, SMGs are not to be overlooked, and Extraordinary Rendition makes a strong case for itself.

The Guiding Sight: Kinetic Scout Rifle, 150 RPM (Source: Iron Banner match completions/Token turn-ins)
The Guiding Sight presents a unique opportunity for a relatively easily obtainable yet incredibly deadly Scout Rifle option, with the right roll. Due to sitting just outside of the meta for many years, a good portion of the playerbase has written off Scout Rifles completely, however due to way in which The Guiding Sight interacts with the perk Iron Gaze, its stickiness will not let you down. For clarification, Iron Gaze is a perk which massively increases weapon target acquisition (which translates to aim assist in non-Bungie lingo) for the cost of range, however due to its intrinsic extreme range as a Scout Rifle, Guiding Sight reaps all the benefits with barely any of the drawbacks, as Bungie have removed all of the extreme range maps which would have utilised the lost range. If in your grind for Iron Banner weapons a Guiding Sight drops into your lap, give it a try, as it may surprise you.

Waking Vigil: Arc Hand Cannon, 140 RPM (Source: Dreaming City Activities/Shattered Throne Dungeon)
A tried and true yet incredibly deadly option, Waking Vigil has returned in updated power cap form to us this season, and it remains a high-tier Hand Cannon option for those so inclined. While the perk pool separation from Dungeon to other activities is not entirely clear, the rolls you will be chasing will be any combination of Outlaw/Rapid Hit + Opening Shot/Kill Clip depending on your playstyle. Rapid Hit + Opening Shot will present far more consistency, where as Outlaw + Kill Clip will provide lethality. As one of the only Hand Cannons left with Outlaw + Kill Clip, Waking Vigil presents a strong argument for why to go after it, plus both this and the next weapon should both be available to all players due to being drops from the Dreaming City!

Retold Tale: Void Shotgun, 65 RPM (Source: Dreaming City Activities/Shattered Throne Dungeon)
Returning along with Waking Vigil, Retold Tale's drop sources and perks are similar in both their effectiveness and lethality. Even in its updated form, the Shotgun can roll with Full Choke/Rifled Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Quickdraw and any number of perks in the in the second column, however a good combo to watch for is Quickdraw + Killing Wind for the extra bump to range. As far as energy Shotgun options go, Retold Tale will most likely be the go-to option for any serious shotgunners in end-game PvP.

Honorary Mention: Sturm: Kinetic Hand Cannon, 120 RPM (Source: Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive)
Sturm goes under honorary mentions due to requiring the grinding for an Exotic Cipher in order to be purchased from the Exotic Kiosk, however the grind is well worth it (plus it's available to all players!) While Sturm is an exotic it earns its place in the arsenal of any aspiring guardian with its monster set of stats, which are improved even further by its exotic catalyst. It may not be as flashy as Ace of Spades or Thorn, however neither of those can reach past 40 metres in the ways that Sturm can. For a non-sunset 120 RPM Hand Cannon option, look no further.

Tier 3

Hawkmoon: Kinetic Hand Cannon, 140 RPM (Source: Let Loose Thy Talons quest/Harbinger Mission *Season of the Hunt Content - Requires Beyond Light: Deluxe Edition)
Hawkmoon shares its strengths in much the same places Sturm does, with a couple of extra bonuses. First, the base stats of the gun itself are incredibly high and make for a consistent option to pair with almost anything. These can be improved even further by grinding for randomly rolled Hawkmoons in the Harbinger mission, though this is best attempted with a group of 3 people. Second, the Paracausal Shot perk both forces its user to pace their shots in order to make the most of it, effectively creating the perfect training tool for headshots. A well-rolled Hawkmoon will never sunset, and that immediately puts it at the top of many peoples' lists, meaning if you own the requisite DLCs to do the mission or you bought last season and never made the most of it, go grab yourself a Hawkmoon.

The Supremacy: Kinetic Sniper Rifle, 140 RPM (Source: Last Wish Raid *Requires Destiny 2: Forsaken)
Supremacy is a tried-and-true sniper rifle choice for many people. Having been in the game for many years and receiving continually increased power caps all the way to 1410, combined with an incredibly small perk pool, it is likely for a Supremacy to be both a reliable & effective choice for the Kinetic slot. Snapshot is a given, and most second column perks will be good, though some interesting things can be done with Kill Clip or Rampage.

Premonition: Void Pulse Rifle, 340 RPM (Source: Pit of Heresy Dungeon *Requires Destiny 2: Shadowkeep)
Premonition, having recently returned to us with an updated power cap, presents a far-reaching High-Impact Pulse Rifle option with solid rolls. Feeding Frenzy + HeadseekeRampage, Moving Target + Headseeker, Zen Moment + Headseeker are all solid options, and being in the energy slot means the Kinetic slot is freed up for a special weapon or Exotic. An all-around consistent choice for a primary weapon, Premonition remains one of my personal favourites.

Heritage: Kinetic Slug Shotgun, 65 RPM (Source: Deep Stone Crypt Raid *Requires Destiny 2: Beyond Light)
On top of looking absolutely stunning, Heritage's consistency and feel make up for its somewhat difficult acquisition path. Though it cannot roll with Quickdraw, a Snapshot Sights/Reconstruction roll will ensure that in much the same situations you would be whipping out that Felwinter's, a Heritage will do so before the enemy even gets within spitting distance, and it will keep them that way due to the extra range Slug Shotguns provide.

Succession: Kinetic Sniper Rifle, 72 RPM (Source: Deep Stone Crypt Raid *Requires Destiny 2: Beyond Light)
Sluggish but powerful, Succession manages to both look good and offer a Kinetic 72 RPM Sniper option with unique perks. Snapshot Sights in the second column means that the first column has room for perks like Moving Target and Slideways, or even Killing Wind for the increase in target acquisition. Though it may be unwieldy, Succession will put down anyone you throw it at with ease, provided you hit your shots.

Trustee: Solar Scout Rifle, 260 RPM (Source: Deep Stone Crypt Raid *Requires Destiny 2: Beyond Light)
A surprisingly powerful option, Trustee makes up for a slower time-to-kiil by being both incredibly forgiving and consistent. Perk combinations are limitless, with Surplus + Wellspring, Reconstruction + Redirection, Reconstruction + Opening Shot, Zen Moment + Opening Shot, or even Zen Moment + High-Impact Reserves. As a faster firing Scout Rifle it has intrinsic Full Auto, letting you lay down on the trigger for as long as you want. Any time a bounty calls on Scout Rifle Kills in PvP, expect to see quite a few of these.

Sacred Provenance: Kinetic Pulse Rifle, 450 RPM (Source, Garden of Salvation Raid *Requires Destiny 2: Shadowkeep)
Aggressive Frame Pulse Rifles are notorious for hitting like a truck, and Sacred Provenance is no different. With a small perk pool and deadly perks combined with a great gunfeel, the only reason the gun isn't a no-brainer for Pulse Rifle users is its drop source. The greatest perk combination to look out for would be Rapid Hit + Kill Clip, though any combination would serve just fine when the time-to-kill is so relaxed. If you have one, make use of its extended range and give it a whirl!

Omniscient Eye: Solar Sniper Rifle, 140 RPM (Source, Garden of Salvation Raid *Requires Destiny 2: Shadowkeep)
Though nothing special, Omniscient Eye deserves a mention for its small perk pool & equally good feel. While energy 140 RPM snipers litter drop sources, Omniscient Eye brings a unique shooting experience different to most Veist Sniper Rifles that populate the 140 RPM archetype, and with snapshot it is impossible to go wrong. Where sniping is mainly based on feel for many people, Omniscient Eye may turn out to be your new slaying machine.

Igneous Hammer: Solar Hand Cannon, 120 RPM (Source: Trials of Osiris)
The first of two Trials of Osiris weapons on the list, Igneous Hammer represents the end-goal for many PvP players. A 120 RPM Hand Cannon with good range, a larger magazine and a superbly small perk pool populated by reliable combinations that complement the archetype means that Igneous Hammer is the obvious choice for a 120. Such combinations include Rapid Hit + Rampage, Outlaw + Rampage, Rapid Hit + One for All, or even Killing Wind + Moving Target. If you somehow manage to land yourself an Adept version enjoy the extra stats that come with masterworking, as this will be your first choice for an Aggressive Frame Hand Cannon for the next year to come in PvP.

The Messenger: Kinetic Pulse Rifle, 340 RPM (Source: Trials of Osiris)
A High-Impact Pulse Rifle in the Kinetic slot immediately put Messenger at the top of many aspiring eyes' lists, however the reasons for its desirability only increase when wandering to perks. While the second column contains various good options such as Kill Clip and Headseeker, the premiere perk is Desperado; a perk that increases rate of fire after reloading post-precision kill. While I could describe the perk myself, it's better to let this clip describe it to you. (Credit to TattooedFox) Outlaw + Desperado or Rapid Hit + Desperado is absolutely the way to go with Messenger, and if you decide to try your hand at Trials this weekend, you'll be delighted to find out that Saint-14's bounty is currently offering the Messenger as its reward, so go get one while you can!

Footnote: Where are all the heavy weapons?
Answer: Simple! Pick up whatever Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher or Rocket Launcher works for you and use it! Some people prefer specific heavies, such as The Wardcliff Coil or The Colony, however I find that the best heavy is absolutely the one that works best for you. Trying to force yourself to use something just because someone has said it's good would go against the whole point of this guide, and it's best for you to find one that gets you kills.

Closing Notes

Well, that was a lot of information! Feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry, the guide was designed with taking the tiers system into mind: once you feel you've got a handle of Tier 1's weapons, you can move up to attaining Tier 2's weapons, etc.
Though this was moreso designed with newer players in mind, this can apply to anyone, and even better if you get some use out of it. If the reception is positive I may design one for PvE, but for now enjoy reading!
submitted by VanillaNoodles to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

The DIY Uzi 9mm: a guide to legally and easily building your own

The Uzi is one of the most recognizable guns around--it was used by Israel for decades, exported or licensed to nearly 100 countries, and even carried by the US Secret Service.
While most can agree that Uzis are cool, it's not every day that you come across one for sale. About 30 years ago they were banned from import, and the pre-ban examples are now valuable collector items. Some US-made Uzis have been offered for sale here and there, but with varying degrees of quality. The result of all this is that Uzis have become somewhat "niche" guns, and many people are unaware that they can easily get one.
In this guide I'll explain the differences between a military Uzi and a semiautomatic Uzi, as well as how you can easily and legally build one yourself. Here's the one I did myself.
Note: this is only one build method of many, but it's the one most accessible to the average person. It skips most of the welding, riveting, etc. necessary in other methods. If you've built an AR-15, you can handle this.

Background: The Semiautomatic Uzi

Do not be intimidated by this section. This is an in-depth background, not a list of what you have to do.
For the purposes of building, it would help you to understand the relevant differences between a military Uzi and a legal semiautomatic one like you'll be building. On a fundamental level, the main difference is that the semiautomatic one fires from a closed bolt, while the military ones fire from an open bolt (more on that here if you don't understand). This is to comply with the ATF's 1982 ruling in which open-bolt guns were determined to be machine guns due to the ease with which they could be converted to full auto.
As for the differences in individual parts, here they are summarized. I also took side-by-side pictures of some parts for comparison.

Acquiring Parts

First you need a receiver. For the sake of simplicity, I recommend buying a complete, fully welded receiver. The best place to get one would be McKay Enterprises, and it looks like this. The trunnion in these is compatible with commercial-spec barrels. A second source for a receiver would be BWE Firearms, and while his receivers can accommodate original SMG barrels, they cost more than twice as much as the McKays. Commercial barrels are easy to find, so it's by no means necessary.
This leads us to the question of what barrel you should get. Since your kit will in all likelihood include a stock, you're going to want a 16" barrel to comply with the National Firearms Act, which places restrictions on rifles with barrels under that length. Not to be lazy here, but if you just google "semi auto Uzi barrel" it's fairly easy to find 16" barrels that will work in your Uzi.
Next you need an Uzi parts kit, which tends to look like this. What this basically is is an original military Uzi that was chopped up so that it could be imported for parts. There's one main thing to watch out for with these kits, and it's the barrel. If you're using a McKay receiver, don't bother including an original barrel, because you won't be able to use it. If you go with the expensive BWE receiver however, you can use an original SMG barrel.
Finally you need a semiautomatic bolt and striker assembly, pictured here. All of it could be purchased from McKay, which is the course of action I recommend. It is possible to modify the full auto bolt from your parts kit, however it's made of extremely tough hardened steel and can be a challenge to do.

Modification of Your Parts

Now that you have all the parts you need to build a semiautomatic Uzi, it's time to modify certain parts for legal and/or mechanical reasons.
The grip assembly is a good place to start. The biggest obstacle is the ATF's requirement for a selector block. That is, a little strip of metal welded into the assembly to prevent the selector from going to the auto position. If you tinker with it and move the selector around you can see where this block would need to go. It's a very simple job if you or a friend can weld, but if it's too much for you, BWE Firearms sells grip assemblies with this modification already done.
Also in the grip assembly is the sear, which needs to be modified. I covered this in the "grip assembly" section above and included an image showing the differences. If you have a dremel you can slowly shave off half of each sear tip, starting from the back end as pictured. Alternatively you can buy a pre-modified semi auto sear to replace your full auto sear with.
Next you'll need to modify your top cover to disable the ratchet mechanism. This is quite simple; a single screw holds it together. Once disassembled, remove the pawl in the center of the mechanism--you can't miss it. It's the part that sticks out and engages the teeth in the top cover. Reassemble the cover and you're good to go.
Lastly you'll want to finish your new receiver with something, since it came with bare steel that can rust. Richard at BWE does a fantastic job of parkerizing receivers if you like the gray look. You could also consider applying something like duracoat or cerakote.


Actually assembling your Uzi more or less consists of plucking parts from your parts kit and installing them on your new receiver. At this point the gun goes together like a LEGO set, and you can complete it with a screwdriver and hex wrench. Rather than detail every step of a very simple process, I encourage you to use YouTube, exploded views/diagrams, and your own common sense to put the parts where they need to go. For example, your parts kit came with complete front and rear receiver sections from a chopped up Uzi. When you remove the sights and unscrew the barrel collar you natually figure out how they'll install on your new receiver. Oh, and don't forget to take the extractor off your parts kit bolt and install it on your semi bolt.
Getting the bolt, striker, recoil spring, etc. all properly seated in the receiver can be a bit tricky at first, however if you buy a McKay bolt it should come with instructions on how to do it. If I can find mine I'll upload it here.
As for installing the barrel, the Uzi makes it extremely easy. The ring near the end of the barrel (the barrel collar) ratchets into place, and simply depressing the L-shaped catch above the collar allows you to unscrew it. Here's a quick video I made showing how it works.
I don't have experience with wood Uzi stocks, but if you use a folding stock you'll want to secure the hex screw in some way. You could peen it in place like the Israelis did, or use some loctite or something like that. If you don't, it will come loose. That's not a big problem, but it is annoying when your stock starts to wobble side-to-side at the range.

Shooting and Beyond

Don't be surprised if your Uzi is finicky when you first get it built. For a short time, when I would pull the charging handle on mine, the bolt would get stuck in the rear of the receiver and I'd have to beat it to get it forward. If you experience something similar, the solution is to shoot it. Uzis are largely made of stamped sheet metal, and so the force of the bolt recoiling backward can help break everything in.
For magazines, I recommend you buy surplus original IMI magazines. They can be found reliably for under $30 on a variety of sites that specialize in gun parts. Available capacities for these are 25 and 32 rounds. Magazine pouches can also be found cheaply--I use surplus German MP2 pouches. MP2 was Germany's designation for the Uzi, and the pouches are marked as such.
The Uzi rear sight has two apertures, for 100 and 200 meters. That might seem excessive, but remember these were standard infantry weapons in Israel. To adjust the front sight you'll want a model A sight tool.
The original Israeli slings are honestly crap. They're so short that they force you to wear the gun as a necklace, so I'd encourage you to get something else unless you just like the aesthetic.
I'm sure I missed something somewhere, so more will probably be added to this guide later. Feel free to make suggestions.
If you have any questions please ask them below and I'll do my best to help.
submitted by autosear to guns [link] [comments]

3 VMs, 3 monitors, 1 kb+mouse. Possible?

SOLVED, READ ON! Thank you all for your comments!

So after a long time working on this today and only 2 hours of sleep, I managed to run 3 VMs simultaneously in the same machine!!!! I'm not great at writing tutorials, but I'll do my best to show you what I did. Also, a bit shoutout to all your comments and support, I wouldn't have dared to do this if it weren't by your comments saying my hardware should work. So YAY!!!
Here's the current hardware as it's running now:
It's important to note here that I achieved full GPU passthrough on ALL 3 GPUs, including the integrated one. Here's an excerpt of the files I modified and what I did (I think it's all. It's not much but it took me a long time to discover):
So first of all, with the 3 GPUs installed, here's how the IOMMU groups look like:
IOMMU Group 0: 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller [8086:0c00] (rev 06) IOMMU Group 1: 00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor PCI Express x16 Controller [8086:0c01] (rev 06) 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960] [10de:1401] (rev a1) 01:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GM206 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:0fba] (rev a1) IOMMU Group 2: 00:02.0 Display controller [0380]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0412] (rev 06) IOMMU Group 3: 00:03.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller [8086:0c0c] (rev 06) IOMMU Group 4: 00:14.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family USB xHCI Controller [8086:8cb1] IOMMU Group 5: 00:16.0 Communication controller [0780]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family ME Interface #1 [8086:8cba] IOMMU Group 6: 00:1a.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family USB EHCI Controller #2 [8086:8cad] IOMMU Group 7: 00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller [8086:8ca0] IOMMU Group 8: 00:1c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 [8086:8c90] (rev d0) IOMMU Group 9: 00:1c.2 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 3 [8086:8c94] (rev d0) IOMMU Group 10: 00:1c.3 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge [8086:244e] (rev d0) 04:00.0 PCI bridge [0604]: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1083/1085 PCIe to PCI Bridge [1b21:1080] (rev 03) IOMMU Group 11: 00:1d.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family USB EHCI Controller #1 [8086:8ca6] IOMMU Group 12: 00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation Z97 Chipset LPC Controller [8086:8cc4] 00:1f.2 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family SATA Controller [AHCI Mode] [8086:8c82] 00:1f.3 SMBus [0c05]: Intel Corporation 9 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller [8086:8ca2] IOMMU Group 13: 03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E220x Gigabit Ethernet Controller [1969:e091] (rev 13)
I used the script here to output it:
I put this into /etc/default/grub:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="intel_iommu=on iommu=pt video=efifb:off,vesafb:off,simplefb:off nofb nomodeset vga=normal i915.modeset=0 vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1 vfio-pci.ids=8086:0412,10de:1401,10de:0fba,10de:0641,8086:8cb1"
I put this first on /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
blacklist i915 blacklist snd_hda_intel blacklist snd_hda_codec_hdmi blacklist nouveau blacklist nvidia
Some bits were taken from other guides. I dunno if snd_hda_intel or snd_hda_codec_hdmi are required to be blacklisted. i915 definitely is if you want iGPU Passthrough. The same goes for nouveau or nvidia. These drivers need to be blacklisted if you want to use them inside a VM.
I also had to edit /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml because once you add/remove new GPUs, the integrated network device changed the ID from enp2s0 to enp3s0:

This is the network config written by 'subiquity'

network: ethernets: enp2s0: dhcp4: true enp3s0: dhcp4: true version: 2 ```
This way I did not lose SSH access after adding/removing GPUs.
NOTE: For the GTX 960 to work I had to patch my VBIOS. You can use Matoking's VFIO patcher for that. It says it's for Pascal cards, but don't mind it. Also, to make it easier, boot into Windows and use GPU-Z to dump the BIOS. It's easier than binding/unbinding the driver to dump the ROM, trust me. Once you have it patched, put it on the root of your VM script files. Same goes for /usshare/ovmf/OVMF.fd which I've put there renamed as bios.bin.
Now, once all the important bits are set, here's the scripts I use to launch my VMs (based off's
``` args=( # Disable primary VGA device, so the 1st device is the GPU -vga none
 # No display device, either -display none # Who needs these anyways? -serial none -parallel none # Required for performance. -enable-kvm # This uses OVMF (UEFI) -machine q35 -L . -bios bios.bin # Hyper-V tweaks, required for Windows # -cpu host is standard stuff, and kvm=off also helps with NVIDIA's error 43 code. # The hv_* stuff is required for performance. Otherwise, upon opening Chrome the guest would # use like 10% CPU but the host would be at 100% for some weird reason. -cpu host,kvm=off,hv_vendor_id=1234567890ab,hv_relaxed,hv_vpindex,hv_time,hv_stimer,hv_spinlocks=0x1fff,hv_synic -rtc clock=host,base=localtime,driftfix=slew # 8 GB for this VM -m 8G # Allocate *ALL* of the CPU cores (I think?) -smp $(nproc) # Passthrough your original Win10 install (yes, it works! - CAVEAT: You need to boot from a Windows # install disk and use DISM to inject the VirtIO driver if you didn't do so at first install. Don't # worry, it's not hard) -drive if=virtio,cache=none,format=raw,file=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SanDisk_X400_M.2_2280_256GB_XXXXXXXXXXXX # Passthrough the USB host. This makes mouse/kbd work, but also seems to catch other USB devices # in other ports as well, so might not be a good idea to follow this one -device vfio-pci,host=00:14.0 # THIS is what makes the GTX 960 work. multifunction=on,x-vga=on are required, but # even more so are romfile=patched.rom and -device vfio-pci,host=01:00.1 . The first one # uses the patched VBIOS and the second one also passes the HDMI audio device (not sure # if it's really required but most guides say so) -device vfio-pci,host=01:00.0,multifunction=on,x-vga=on,romfile=patched.rom -device vfio-pci,host=01:00.1 
) qemu-system-x86_64 "${args[@]}" ```
NOTE: For the 9400 GT to work, it just requires to use host=06:00.0 as shown in the IOMMU groups. Not sure if it requires VBIOS patch, as it's being used for Linux now as Windows 10 doesn't support it.
NOTE 2: If your Windows VM doesn't boot or goes to EFI Shell, try to boot from it, i.e.
fs0: cd EFI cd boot bootx64.efi
If it crashes with INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE then install the VirtIO drivers booting from a Windows install DVD/USB, see here for details:
This should make your Windows VM boot fine & dandy.
Now for Intel HD 4600 Passthrough, it's definitely possible, but it has to be done this way exactly. Modify the script file flags above accordingly:

I think this is needed, so boot options are shown on your CLI (if required?)



-device vfio-pci,host=00:02.0,addr=0x02 ```
I can't stress this enough: addr=0x02 IS REQUIRED. The iGPU ALWAYS HAS TO BE IN THE 2ND SLOT. Passing it through and assigning it are two different things. Don't think that because it says host=00:02.0 it's going to be on that slot on the VM, it will not. I repeat: If you don't use addr=0x02 it won't boot and you'll have to restart your machine.
You can also find an error saying that the device can't be assigned to addr=0x02 because there's another device on that slot. WATCH OUT: The warning is for the address mapping on the VM, NOT the host! so don't go around looking to isolate or move a device you see in your host IOMMU mapping. It's not the same. Instead, move another of the -device flags to another address using the same syntax. I.e. if it whines about a SATA device, or ICH9, or whatever other -device you have in your flags, move that one to another address. I've used 0x03 with success.
This took me a long time to get it working, almost 20 hours non-stop, but the result... Well, I'm writing this in my QEMU Windows VM with the GTX 960 passed through and I can barely tell the difference.
If this guide helps you, upvote this comment or PM me if you want to send a donation, I'm struggling a lot lately so anything helps!


Well yeah, I need to figure out how to toggle/share keyboard, mouse, headset receiver and other USB devices between VMs with a toggle or something. It seems it's possible to do that with evdev and some helper scripts, but haven't gone that route yet. If you can shed some light, it'd be very appreciated!
Thanks again everyone for your support!! :D

Further reading

I have a lot of links to share regarding this stuff. If it weren't because all those who had problems and posted their solutions (it was especially tricky to find out how to passthrough the iGPU) this guide wouldn't even be possible either. I don't have the laptop I used for SSHing into my host right now, but once I do, I'll update this post.

Original post kept for history's sake

Hello! Cross-posting from here: but with some edits as that is related to Unraid but maybe there is another option??
I've been pondering on the following idea and it seems Unraid could be the solution, but I'd like to know if it really is before I get into this. I've already spent two days on this without avail, and stumbled upon Unraid. So basically I need to do cross-platform development, and dual/triple booting is annoying at best, not to mention the delay it introduces when switching the OSes.
My idea is that I can have the VMs running at the same time and then use a hardware KVM switcher to switch the input (keyboard/mouse) and outputs (3 monitors) depending on the OS I need to work on at the time.
I've made a working PoC under Linux and QEMU working well, but with a single monitor. Once I add more displays, hell breaks loose. It's just buggy, clunky, the displays don't appear, or get cloned, or have bugs... it's been horrible. So I've heard of PCI Passthrough, but my current hardware is this:
The MSI has 2 PCI-E slots (1 x16, 1 x4 (I think??)), two PCI-E x1, and 3 PCI. I'm thinking I could use the PCI slots to install some USB cards (so I can passthrough them) but how do I do the video part? The only GPU I have is the integrated Intel HD 4000/4400/4500 (not sure) on my CPU. I have another GTX 960 I could install... A 9400 GT and a 6800 GS... I know, old. Would they work?
Now, I can't buy any more GPU cards as for now as I'm broke as heck, which is why I need to work on this solution so I can save up time switching between OSes. I'm not actually looking for gaming performance, but I need to run Windows 10 and two other VMs, one is KDE Neon (based on Ubuntu 20.10) and the other is TBD, not sure yet, so I don't mind hw accel on it yet.
So the idea is that I can be working on Win10, then push a button on the KVM and switch to Linux, and so on. BUT using my 3 displays. Is this possible? and if so, I'm on the right route? What else would I need? What else can you guys suggest?
Thanks in advance! :D
submitted by darkguy2008 to VFIO [link] [comments]

Detailed Review of the J-Pein Desk Mount Upgraded. Do NOT buy! Save your money for something better

Edit: Copying what dolesonrobert did with his, I did my best to wedge screws in between the gaps and let natural pressure hold them in. This added stability from the wobbling which further shows the issue lies in the lack of overall support of the joystick plate. It's not perfect as their still is movement since the screws need to be higher but its not as exaggerated as before. Being able to wedge something to fill the entire gap and spacing between the plates would fix the wobbling/flex. However because the mounting system isn't one solid piece, you'll still feel vibrations & movement
Edit 2: Added some dense foam from another packaging I had. Didn't help vibrations. Best Bet is 3D printing something to fill the space or maybe nylon spacers?
I recently purchased the J-Pein Desk mount on a whim since I was going to build my own desk mount and it would've came out to the same price of $140 so I figured why not just buy it and get it done with.
Unfortunately the J-Pein Desk Mount is poorly engineered and lacks quality control.
I'm going to go over everything I can and provide pictures and video of any issues.
If you want to skip to the discrepancies and issue summary, I guess scroll to the bottom
I used a Warthog HOTAS set up for these
Video & Pictures!


Theirs two issues with the way it was packaged:
  1. All the plates are unprotected and the plastic is so thin, it'll be torn so all the metal is going to shift around and come out scratched and chipped paint. So if you care about appearances, this will bother you. This is could have been avoided if they used foam wrap and wrapped the pieces to protect the coating
  2. All peripheral screws are mixed and inconsistent. Both boxes had inconsistent amount of screws, nuts, and washers. Really seems like J-Pein didn't do the best job to be consistent.
    1. There's also no packaging list of how many of each screw you're suppose to get. One box had a really tiny hex bolt while the other had a more appropriate size for putting things together. So the tools they give you will be inconsistent so I recommend look

Quality of Material


The Assembly isn't difficult at all if you were good at putting shapes into the hole as a baby.

You can not fully adjust the height of the mounts due to the L-Brackets & T-Brackets collision together. So you can't have it sit flush with your desk. Peripherals will be about 3.5"-4" below your desk.


  1. The joystick plate "floats" above the mounting plate. This is the BIGGEST issue
    1. What I mean by this is that J-Pein uses Clinch nuts attached to the joystick plate in the Center point. They also use these Clinch nuts backwards! But because they protrude, you can't use them the right away or else the screws heads will hit the PCB of the warthog like this poor sap in kangaroo land who put the screws in backwards which would've been the proper way of inserting the bolts.
      1. This leaves unnecessary space between the plates and only support in the center. So when you move your joystick on its X-Axis (left and right) and Y-Axis (Up & down) it will wobble and flex. Your joystick is essentially floating on a piece of metal that's mounted by 2 bolts in the middle. Most other mounts use thicker plates you attach to directly or attached to the extrusion and sit flush & flat which prevents this.
      2. I can't speak for other joysticks so I'm not sure if this issue is relevant for lower tension sticks.
      3. By having only 2 mounting points solely in the middle of the mounting plate, this also adds unnecessary force on solely two points that already show signs of flex. More mounting points would allow stability and less stress overall to the unit.
  2. Screws for mounting peripherals are not labeled and not packaged properly. Screws are also very cheap "Chinesium" so they strip easily and are not deep seated. I suggest replacing these with Hex Socket Cap Bolts to prevent further potential of stripping
    1. Between both packages, I had an Inconsistent amount of screws for mounting and varying hex tool size. If I didn't buy two kits, I wouldn't have been able to complete assembly. Have extra fasteners on hand. Sizes are in the instruction manual.
  3. Powder coat is done poorly. Chips, scratches, blemishes. Unit should've been anodized like advertised.
  4. Metal parts should've been packaged in stronger plastic and wrapped/interleaved with foam wrap to protect from rubbing together
  5. 2 aluminum extrusion bars used as the mounting area wobble up and down and are a pain to line up perfectly instead of just using 1 solid piece of profile or metal.
  6. Can't adjust height fully in terms of height due to the brackets colliding together.
  7. Square nuts over T-nuts so harder to adjust, harder to assemble, harder to feed into slots, don't provide as great of support
  8. Aluminum profile should've been anodized instead of powder coated to provide a nicer appearance and better finish. Would withstand scratches more.
  9. Bolts will come loose over time due to vibrations. I suggest using purple or blue threadlocker to help avoid this
  10. Protective rubber doesn't do a very good job gripping and is also very thin. Can't comment on adhesion.
  11. Push pull clamp is hard to level out properly. Should've been stronger and leveling foot should've had a gripper end base as well and not be crooked.
  12. Uses L-Brackets & T-Brackets over countersunk anchors for mounting and lack of fully adjusting height
  13. Inconsistent description between being steel & aluminum . I'm assuming the steel variants were older mounts and they never changed this
  14. Can't adjust Throttle length. Mounting Bars are cut just far enough to mount warthog throttle and no further adjusting can be made if you wanted to pull it out more.
  15. When asked "Do the mounts have a warranty, J-Pein replied "Can't understand question" Enough Said.


If you can spend $140 for two mounts, either build them yourself or save $50 and buy something for better quality. You're going to use them every-time you fly so buy something better quality and extra stability. We're not talking a couple of hundred dollar difference between mounts
Video & Pictures!
I really can't recommended these if the price goes up more than $65 a mount. I already feel that they're overpriced for the quality you get on how many corners J-Pein have cut. I think MAYBE $50 each would be more appropriate. I know they use to charge $85-$90 prior and probably with older versions but if they try to again, that's just criminal greed.
J-Pein took short cuts on every corner possible to lower the price of manufacturing at the cost of quality & stability

I want to like them because of the price point and had hoped that being made in Korea who has a big Esports scene, that their gaming equipment would be of higher quality.
I did ask J-Pein about the wobble of the plate but they just said to return the mount lol so its clear their not concerned of any overlooked engineering.

At the price of $140ish for two including tax, you can build your own mount with extrusion machined, plates laser cut, can of black paint for metal, 2 clamps and all the fasteners you might need for the same exact price with much much higher quality material.
If you feel that it's too intimidating to build your own or just don't want to go through the hassle.
Go buy a Foxxmount from u/gundamx92000 at
Foxx is a nice guy, he'll answer all your questions, concerns, customize whatever he can for you.
Yes, theirs a lead time and it'll be $50 more but you're getting better materials, attention to detail, proper build, any assistance might need etc. which I think is pretty worthwhile
If you're from EU or Asia, you guys have your own options with other companies like Monster Mounts, virpil, etc.
Edit: the only reason why I'm suggesting FoxxMount is cause I'm from the United States and to the best of my knowledge, he's the only one providing them in the USA and is active in the subreddit and part of the community.
submitted by AceOfPilotsGG to hotas [link] [comments]

Detailed Review of the J-Pein Desk Mount Upgraded. Do NOT buy! Save your money for something better

I recently purchased the J-Pein Desk mount on a whim since I was going to build my own desk mount and it would've came out to the same price of $140 so I figured why not just buy it and get it done with.
Unfortunately the J-Pein Desk Mount is poorly engineered and lacks quality control.
I'm going to go over everything I can and provide pictures and video of any issues.
If you want to skip to the discrepancies and issue summary, I guess scroll to the bottom
I used a Warthog HOTAS set up for these
Video & Pictures!


Theirs two issues with the way it was packaged:
  1. All the plates are unprotected and the plastic is so thin, it'll be torn so all the metal is going to shift around and come out scratched and chipped paint. So if you care about appearances, this will bother you. This is could have been avoided if they used foam wrap and wrapped the pieces to protect the coating
  2. All peripheral screws are mixed and inconsistent. Both boxes had inconsistent amount of screws, nuts, and washers. Really seems like J-Pein didn't do the best job to be consistent.
    1. There's also no packaging list of how many of each screw you're suppose to get. One box had a really tiny hex bolt while the other had a more appropriate size for putting things together. So the tools they give you will be inconsistent so I recommend look

Quality of Material


The Assembly isn't difficult at all if you were good at putting shapes into the hole as a baby.

You can not fully adjust the height of the mounts due to the L-Brackets & T-Brackets collision together. So you can't have it sit flush with your desk. Peripherals will be about 3.5"-4" below your desk.


  1. The joystick plate "floats" above the mounting plate. This is the BIGGEST issue
    1. What I mean by this is that J-Pein uses Clinch nuts attached to the joystick plate in the Center point. They also use these Clinch nuts backwards! But because they protrude, you can't use them the right away or else the screws heads will hit the PCB of the warthog like this poor sap in kangaroo land who put the screws in backwards which would've been the proper way of inserting the bolts.
      1. This leaves unnecessary space between the plates and only support in the center. So when you move your joystick on its X-Axis (left and right) and Y-Axis (Up & down) it will wobble and flex. Your joystick is essentially floating on a piece of metal that's mounted by 2 bolts in the middle. Most other mounts use thicker plates you attach to directly or attached to the extrusion and sit flush & flat which prevents this.
      2. I can't speak for other joysticks so I'm not sure if this issue is relevant for lower tension sticks but the only real fix for this is stuffing foam or cardboard or something in between the two plates.
  2. Screws for mounting peripherals are not labeled and not packaged properly. Screws are also very cheap "Chinesium" so they strip easily and are not deep seated. I suggest replacing these with Hex Socket Cap Bolts to prevent further stripping
    1. Inconsistent amount of screws for mounting and varying tool size
  3. Powder coat is done poorly. Chips, scratches, blemishes
  4. Metal parts should've been packaged in stronger plastic and wrapped/interleaved with foam wrap to protect from rubbing together
  5. 2 aluminum extrusion bars used as the mounting area wobble up and down and are a pain to line up perfectly instead of just using 1 solid piece of profile or metal.
  6. Can't adjust height fully in terms of height due to the brackets colliding together.
  7. Square nuts over T-nuts so harder to adjust, harder to assemble, harder to feed into slots, don't provide as great of support
  8. Aluminum profile should've been anodized instead of powder coated to provide a nicer appearance and better finish. Would withstand scratches more.
  9. Bolts will come loose over time due to vibrations. I suggest using purple or blue threadlocker to help avoid this
  10. Protective rubber doesn't do a very good job gripping and is also very thin. Can't comment on adhesion.
  11. Push pull clamp is hard to level out properly. Should've been stronger and leveling foot should've had a gripper end base as well and not be crooked.
  12. Uses L-Brackets & T-Brackets over countersunk anchors for mounting and lack of fully adjusting height
  13. Inconsistent description between being steel & aluminum . I'm assuming the steel variants were older mounts and they never changed this
  14. Can't adjust Throttle length. Mounting Bars are cut just far enough to mount warthog throttle and no further adjusting can be made if you wanted to pull it out more.
  15. When asked "Do the mounts have a warranty, J-Pein replied "Can't understand question" Enough Said.


Video & Pictures!
I really can't recommended these if the price goes up more than $65 a mount. I already feel that they're overpriced for the quality you get on how many corners J-Pein have cut. I think MAYBE $50 each would be more appropriate.
J-Pein took short cuts on every corner possible to lower the price of manufacturing at the cost of quality

I want to like them because of the price point and had hoped that being made in Korea who has a big Esports scene, that their gaming equipment would be of higher quality.
I did ask J-Pein about the wobble of the plate but they just said to return the mount lol so its clear their not concerned of any overlooked engineering.

At the price of $140ish for two including tax, you can build your own mount with extrusion machined, plates laser cut, can of black paint for metal, 2 clamps and all the fasteners you might need for the same exact price with much much higher quality material.
If you feel that it's too intimidating to build your own or just don't want to go through the hassle.
Go buy a Foxxmount from u/gundamx92000 at
Foxx is a nice guy, he'll answer all your questions, concerns, customize whatever he can for you.
Yes, theirs a lead time and it'll be $50 more but you're getting better materials, attention to detail, proper build, any assistance might need etc. which I think is pretty worthwhile
If you're from EU or Asia, you guys have your own options with other companies like Monster Mounts, virpil, etc.
submitted by AceOfPilotsGG to hoggit [link] [comments]

The ultimate guide to blue, rare quality weapons

With the dawn of a new season, the days of not having enough mats or currency to infuse your current gear shall once more return. So begins the days of having blue weapons that are higher light level...but you can't infuse them.
I am here to tell you not to fret or worry, as within the current rare weapons pool are some absolute gems. This is also a great guide if you find yourself wanting to do a balanced competition with friends in custom games. Blues always have the same rolls, so you never have to worry about that one friend who has the god rolled handcannon kicking everyone's butt every 3 seconds.
TLDR: This just a simple listing of good rare weapons. If you're looking for a specific favorite weapon type, scroll down, we'll be going over primaries first, the special ammo, then the heavies. EDIT: WELP, something big happened, There is now a rare Bow and Rare Heavy machine gun as of the new season.
Auto Rifle:
Sand Wasp-3au: This is the reason I'm making this list. Because if this gun was a legendary, it would beat gnawing hungry 9/10 times. And with enough practice it'll outgun gnawing hunger anyways. Good sights, good stats, amazing stability. On top of that while it is normally an Arc weapon. There is a very rare drop in the EDZ where you can get a void version of this weapon. So for any of those exotic armors that require void weapons, this is something to look around for.
Scout Rifles:
Trax Lysis II: You know how high impact scouts are making more and more of a comeback lately? Would you like to outgun everyone? Look No further. A high Impact Scout with Full Auto for increased rate of fire will rip holes into everything. It also has some very nice sight options.
Black Tiger-2sr: Remember how everyone was looking for a god rolled black scorpion back in forsaken? This is the rare version. It has a better base range stat than the black scorpion, and while it may seem to have a worse stability stat, i makes up for that with Zen moment.

Pulse rifles:
Encore-25: This is probably your best option for a rare pulse. And it's more of a rarer drop, at least in my experience. But who can argue with outlaw?
Bayesian MSU: If you're looking for a kinetic, it's alright. It's stats are great. But full auto is kinda meh.

Hand Cannons:
Azimuth DSU: This handcannon will be your go to rare, if one drops for you at a high light level hang onto it. It's a deadly combination of a 120 hand cannon, with high caliber rounds and kill clip. Equip with reload speed buffs for the best results as it's reload speed....while not as bad as Steady hand, is still low.

Furina-2MG: Probably your best bet for a recluse replacement until we can get another legendary Void smg. It's range is kinda meh, but it makes up for that in stability and good recoil. But, if you want, you can take smallbore for more range.

Sidearms: Honestly, pick your poison, they're all pretty good.
The Dissonance-34 is a full auto frame with moving target and Ricochet rounds. Painful combo to destroy everything with.
Requiem SI2 is an omolon burst fire with threat detector and 30 rounds in the mag. Fire this thing for days.
The Vingaroon-2si is a lightweight frame with fast reload and opening shot, stack it with other speed increasing perks and get the drop on people.
Bows: There are sadly....No rare bows. EDIT: OR That was the case until the new season came out, there is now a rare bow. Kinetic Precision frame with Archers tempo. Not bad!

Special Weapons:
Botheration MK.28: I don't need to really explain this, do I? The Rare Shotgun that has ruled the crucible on multiple occasions ever since we found out that barrel length = more range? Felwinters shall soon fall from grace...but the Botheration, will always be there...watching.

Grenade Launchers: For some reason...there are zero rare breach-loaded grenade launchers. There is a green uncommon and a white common....But no blue??? It's weird. I apologize to lovers of this weapon type.
EDIT: I have been informed that there is a Rare quality Breach Loaded Grenade launcher, harsh language. However, from what I have seen it does not drop and does not show up in collections. Which is.....Even weirder to be honest. XD Thank you to TheLooseMoose1234, for providing this info.

Fusion rifles: Another pick your poison section, you've got one of each energy type.
The Nox Lumen II is the Void Fusion, High impact, hip fire grip alright range.
Nox Cordis II is your Arc rapid fire with Rampage and high handling. Great reaction option to shotgunners.
And the Parsec TSU is your solar High impact frame with field prep. It's alright, it's main benfit is that it almost has MAX IMPACT.
Sniper Rifles:
Aachen-LR2: This beauty is an adaptive frame with snapshot sights, High impact rounds and last but not least. Put your hands together for, the rare, the beautiful, and most wonderful, Ambush SLH25 sight! Most famous for being the sight of choice on the LDR 5001 and Revoker. This is also one of those weird weapons where you have a rare chance in the EDZ to get a Void Energy version of this gun. Esspeically weird since normally it drops now as a kinetic slot weapon.

Heavy Weapons:
Rest for the Wicked: Rare void sword with Assassin's blade? Sure! Why not? Of course, probably the first thing people will upgrade will be their swords, so. Probably won't have to worry about this one to much.
Grenade Launchers:
Plemusa-B: Proximity Grenades and Auto loading Holster....I want this roll on a legendary...maybe with swashbuckler or Rampage? Still all around good choice.
Rocket Launchers:
Cup Bearer SA/2: High Velocity with Cluster bombs? Perfect for this next season and the rocket buff.
Linear Fusion Rifle: There are sadly no current drops for this weapon class, but there is a rare option
King Cobra-4fr: While it is the only's honestly not that bad, snapshot sights and highly customizable. I would say definitely use it if you're wanting to do a balanced crucible game with friends.
Heavy Machine guns: No rares here either....sorry. EDIT: OR that was the case until this new season. Adaptive frame with Killing wind?! Hell yes!
Well. That's that, thank you for all those who take the time to look through this. And I hope you all have a great time with the next season!
submitted by Echo1608 to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

Some test results with MAX dps Sakura vs Chunki mag res Duane

Some test results with MAX dps Sakura vs Chunki mag res Duane
Thanks to Meow for helping me get these values!

Lets start with offensive side:

Pushing it to the max DPS mode with:
  1. Max magic Scythe Staff
  2. +5 SoT max Magic
  3. lv 20 Hleela TMR (80% mag up)
  4. Max Truss (35 mag atk up)
  5. Max Ramuh (50% mag)
  6. Max Scions (35 light atk)
For Context, this is what things look like with no mag res Duane and an unbuffed MAX Sakura
Not a practical build for Sakura by any means but we did it to test the absolute max dps she can have currently.
During the fight, she can stack mag up from HLeela TMR and mag atk up/spr pen up from her kotodama subjob.
So this is how a fully stacked Sakura looked like:
just built to keeeel

Now for the Defensive side:

Getting a high mag res Duane:
  1. 5% base
  2. 15% esper
  3. 12% Max Duane VC
  4. 8% Armor of light Barrier, max stats
  5. And unlike the Attacking side, Defensive side can have some nice supports so: 38% Resist Magic (From a spellblade friend) Shell from a white mage friend
= 78% altogether. maximum limit is 86 with max Fenrir VC
point 5. shouldn't be too unrealistic of an ask. I was able to Shell + Resist Magic on auto with ease.
By himself, Duane can use his TMR for 25% mag res (replace AoL with bale gauntlet) but resist magic skill from spellblade is huuuuuge so I went with that instead. Could have equipped Death machine or Holiday VC for AoE res too but I chose not to. And also could have given Duane HP up passive or Defense up passive instead of Swift shadow but I really like my move 4 on Duane so stuck with that + viking lore.
Max DPS Sakura's damage on 50 Faith Duane, 78% mag res (lv 20 Rebel Intention)
(my party VCs were lv 99 Duane VC, lv 55 Solidus and lv 70 path to revenge in case you were wondering)


First of all, Owie! That Sakura still hits like a truck even through so much mag res stacking. That too with an AoE! Also Sakura's friends will be able to kill Duane who doesn't have a lot of defense anymore.
However, I'm still very happy with this result. Even a max dps Sakura isn't able to two shot my Duane. My main tank will be Dario who is rocking a whopping 70 DEF on top of being able to survive multiple Sakura's hits. As long as Leela doesn't get whacked by AoE I'm good. With this team at least I have a solid fighting chance. Light atk up map might decimate me but Ill give it a spin and see how my team performs there.

What this means for you:

  1. There might be some anti magic Duanes out there to counter your counter so don't go willy nilly attacking any random Duane team with your Sakura. Might loose to high mag res. Having multiple attack types is a great way to still power through.
  2. Even if Sakura becomes common, Your Duane still has a good fighting chance against Sakura teams. Don't Despair just yet!
  3. If high mag res Duanes become popular cuz of lots of Sakuras, Your good old units might now have an easier time beating Duanes that are not geared for max dps/defense. (Missile for example is a strong competitor)
As IGN likes to say: "There's a little something for everyone" hehe.
I'm excited to see how things shape up in the coming weeks! I wonder If I can trap some Sakuras to attack me if I keep my Duane in Slot 1 😈
submitted by Absolute-_-ZERO to wotv_ffbe [link] [comments]

Second day with my new gym partner

If you don't know what's going on up to this point you can check out my previous posts.
One thing I'm learning on this journey or whatever I'm going through is that this all seemed easier in highschool. I think I was more confident then but now I just feel like a big ball of nerves. The guilt probably has something to do with that but it's strange... The guilt is actually part of what's exciting me. I feel like a gambler putting everything on red and watching that little white ball spin with my hands clenching the table for dear life.
Anyway so my day agenda was pretty simple. Some work on the computer then head over to see my boss and get some things then off to the office for a few, then to the gym and back home again.
The teasing aspect of all this was an incredible turn on for me but did not go as planned at all. My boss is probably my biggest weakness right now. Being in the same room with him makes my body quiver with desire. It's horrible... I feel like a little girl with her first crush. But anyway... My original plan was to invite him over to lunch. U was planning on wearing some low riding sweats and a crop top with the excuse that I was working out and lost track of time. I don't think my boss has ever really gotten a good look at my body before so I thought this was kind of fun.
Unfortunately my daughter was going to be home for the day so that was a no go. Instead he suggested I come to him. He is also married so I didn't go too crazy. I wore my workout gear for the gym later with a sweater over top (sports bra, leggings, and I had a loose tank top with me)
On the way over I discovered his wife was going to be away for a while as she's quarantineing with her family. I pulled over immediately and stripped off my sweater and my sports bra and opted for the loose tank top that showed a bit of side boob. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea but I didn't have alot of options.
Funny thing is when I got to my bosses place he opened the door wearing a tight tank top and track pants and used the excuse that he was working out. I almost died at the irony .
This was actually the first time I have seen him not in a suit and all I can say is fuck meeeeeeee he's got a body omg. It was almost like instict when I lifted his shirt up and ran my hand on his stomach. I may have inflated his ego a bit much but he quickly turned it back to me, commenting on my body and lifting my shirt to copy the action. I think he might have even seen some nips as they were definitely feeling air.
I was about ready right there when he said "it's too bad we are both married". Feels like that door is closed with just a mail slot left for some casual flirting. We did what we needed to do work wise and I headed off to the office and met up with my husband for a bit before going to the gym.
I'm going to give gym guy a name... Let's call him GG for gym guy lmao. I'm not creative sorry.
Gg and I met up a little earlier. I almost forgot to put my sports bra back on but decided to forego it. Maybe he got all my hints from yesterday but today he was playing it much cooler. Less stupid comments and more on point. He even wore some sort of Cologne which wasn't my favorite but it wasn't bad even though completely unnecessary for a gym session.
The second I took my jacket off he noticed the critical piece of my outfit missing and with in seconds was inches from me with his hands on my waist slowly sliding up my sides under my shirt and taking to big handfuls of my little tits. I looked up with him only able to smile and asked if he's having fun. He leaned in for a kiss and I quickly tuned my head and pulled away from his grasp and headed to the stair machine.
While our stretching session was fun the day before it took up way too much of our time (we only get an hour and fifteen min gym time). We tried doing a mostly similar routine so we could alternate between sets. Missing out on the groping stretch session got to gg I guess as he felt the need to molest me while we were working out and claiming he was helping. It was a cheesy line but it was kinda cute as he massaged my ass while I was doing my squats . It wasn't long before his shirt and my shirt were both lying on the floor while we worked on one of the weight machines.
I would be lying if I said I didn't get distracted while he pinched my nipples. One could even call it dangerous when using the weights. I let him suck on my nipples a little before pushing him away. He tried everything he could to get into my pants but I was able to stay strong.
After our workout we ended up in his car in a empty parking lot. As if it was magic, his cock magically appeared into sight. I wasn't really ready to go this far with him yet but... It was a nice cock. I made a deal with him that if he didn't try to get in my pants anymore then I would blow him which he accepted.
Sorry all but I'm not telling you how his cock compares to my husband's. Sorry but it's not something I feel at all right doing.
All I'll say was it was nice, a bit salty but nice and fortunately and unfortunately a little quick on the trigger.
On a side note boys, if you are about to cum, how about a little warning first huh? I think that's just common courtesy. We need to be able to prepare ourselves for the impeding assault on our throat and uvula.
One thing I like about guys that eat clean (for fitness reasons) is their load is usually pretty nice. Not too salty, kinda tangy, and smooth and not at all clumpy. It makes it a much nicer snack.
I got home a little later than expected and bolted in the shower as my hubby was home already.
Now I'm hanging on here and texting some of the boys I talk to.
Now I'm really cheating... I can't deny it anymore but sucking another guys cock is definitely cheating. And I don't know why but it makes my body feel like fire. It's scary and exciting and hot. So fucking hot. Ugh...
Comment below if you guys want me to keep posting my days. Also if there is a better community for this on Reddit please let me know. Telling you all about it gets me so wound up.
U am going to fuck the shit out of my husband later omg I can't wait for his cock.
Till next time.
submitted by MarriedandC0nfused to adultery [link] [comments]

Act5 Merc Guide

Mercs have been significantly improved in PD2, they can now equip gloves and belts. Act5 mercs now provide a might aura and can equip maces and axes. The might aura might be the selling point for most, but the mace and axe addition adds a lot to their arsenal and enables some high damage builds. Their second attack has been changed from stun to concentrate. They loose the stun effect, gain some defensive scaling and they can kill physical immunes. Indirectly they have been buffed, by changes to might (better %ed) and most importantly melee splash, which adds an aoe to each hit. Melee splash is especially strong with them, because their might aura does increase its damage too. All this combines to act5 mercs being total machines, their damage more than tripled compared to vanilla and they got aoe. They also kept all their advantages, which means they are the sturdiest of all d2 mercs.


Barbarians have the highest life regeneration of all mercs, they fully recover their health in 16.4 seconds (compared to 41s for all other mercs), also they have a native 70 poison resistance. They have no hit recovery animation, which means he can not be put into hit recovery and can not be knocked back. They also have a 5% crit chance, that's multiplicative with everything else, but can not be modified, resulting in the possibility for quadruple damage (in fact, all monsters have this chance, maybe you remember this after the next one-shot that should have been impossible). They do have three attacks to choose from: a kind of double hit (a normal attack dealing damage twice), which i will call auto and the skills bash and concentrate, known from the barbarian character. He has about a 26% chance to auto and 37% for either bash or concentrate, source (Note, that stun has simply been swapped with conc). Bash and conc synergies each other. These attacks and their chances mean he already comes with an average offweapon-ed of about 180 and an average %AR of 280. Things start to become a bit specific, when it comes to adding skill lvls, so here is what works:
Works works not
+all skills +class skill
+specific skill (bash and stun) +skill tree (barb combat in this case)
If a skill point is successfully added, it also synergies with the other skill (in contrast to how it works on players). This means that +all skills have been rather worthwhile for him, but now, with the addition of might, +1 all skill is worth an average of 25% offweapon-ed. For a complete view ill also add, that +1 bash is worth about 6% offweapon-ed and +1 conc about 3.5%. All together the replacement of stun with conc did not change these numbers that much. Concentration however did add a %def (only 84% at base lvl, has been nerfed compared to vanilla to counteract the overall buff for players) sclaing (with a 2s duration and about 2-3 attacks per second he should be able to maintain the buff), so some def on his equipment might be good investment (i dont know if the buff to the defensive mechanic also counts for mercs). Conc deals mostly magic damage, which might lower his overall leech, but can kill physical immunes with some patience.
Another thing (which i also didn't know until recently) is, that they have special scaling with one handed weapons: their base damage is doubled and their additions to min and max dmg are tripled. This has always been the case, and is known from the base game (source)), but was not relevant. But through the addition of axes and maces a lot of rune words were added and other, which formerly could only be build into two-handed swords, can now be wielded in one hand. This made me wonder, how well some weapons might perform. It started with a simple weapon comparison and, as i continued to calculate, turned more into a full analysis, which i thought id share


There are several things you might want a merc for. Most commonly he should tank, survive, provide some utility and deal some damage. For him to survive you want some stats, e.g. as much LL as you can get, as much damage, so he can leech, can not be frozen (cnbf), physical damage reduction... One could also try to make his defense scale, but for that an act2 merc with defiance might be better. Thus i focused mostly on the most interesting part of an arpg in soft core: whats the best dps he can achieve? To answer this question i simply solved the equation
((WeaponBaseDmg * (WeaponEd/100+1) * Bonus * Eth + (WeaponMinDmg+WeaponMaxDmg) * 3/2) * AttacksPerSecond) * (OffWeaponEd/100+1) * (CritChance/100+1)
for some weapons and set ups and then i wrote everything down in tables. WeaponBaseDmg can be found here. WeaponEd is the extra Damage on the weapon. Bonus is either 1 or 2, depending if it is a two handed or one handed weapon. Eth is either 1 or 1.5 depending if the weapon is ethereal. WeaponMinDmg and WeaponMaxDmg are min and max dmg on the wepaon. I did not include any two-handers with these mods, e.g. Grandfather, so its tripled. To my knowledge only min and max on weapon are tripled, so e.g. Wartravs will still provide normal damage. Also note that flat damage, e.g. found on Astreons or Stonecrusher is also only multiplied with one. The wiki link in the amazon basin says that min and max damage is also only doubled, but the original link is down and there are some mentions that it is tripled, so take this with a grain of salt. I did some tests and they support the factor three, however i encourage you to do your own, if you question this. OffweaponEd is the extra damage found in other places, my baseline here was MightLvl 18 +stregth bonus +average bonus from bash and conc, which is 230+220+180 = 630. CritChance is his chance to deal double damage, the calculation can be found here (note the last denominator is 100, not 10000). I neglected his 5% crit chance, it's basically a 1.05 multiplier independent on the set up. I also neglected everything that is dependent on the monster. Most importantly Hit Chance and Attack Rating AR are not included, thus some items like sigons helm, halaberds or beast are undervalued. The hit chance calculation was changed in favor for players in PD2, but to my knowledge this does not count for mercs. Lastly enemies do not have physical resistences, which is relevant for stone crusher and for AD procs.

Weapon per hit damage

By solving the equation for several weapons (picked for popularity and personal curiosity) i got this table
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max OffW-ED DS DPS
Headstriker eth 2 45 1.5 200 80 630 100 7665
DeathCleaver eth 2 47.5 1.5 300 630 66 6907
Grief PB 2 29 1 220 250 630 20 6684
Schaefers eth 2 55.5 1.5 280 160 630 6371
death BA 2 47.5 1.5 300 630 50 6242
Beast Thunder 1 106.5 1.5 260 830 5348
Doom BA 2 47.5 1.5 315 630 20 5180
Headstriker 2 45 1 150 80 630 100 5037
Beast BA 2 47.5 1.5 260 830 4771
Stone Crusher eth 2 55.5 1.5 300 630 4862
Razors edge eth 2 45.5 1.5 225 630 50 4858
Botd Thunder 1 106.5 1.5 315 630 4840
Schaefers 2 55.5 1 230 160 630 4426
Doom Champion axe 1 76.5 1.5 315 630 20 4172
butchers 2 49 1 195 30 50 630 35 4032
DeathCleaver 2 47.5 1 250 630 66 4029
Stone Crusher 2 55.5 1 300 10 30 630 3679
Gavel of pain 1 106.5 1.5 150 12 30 630 3375
IK Maul 1 91.5 1 200 830 2553
Stormlash 2 45.5 1 240 630 2259
A few things that stood out to me: 5k average damage is respectable and very reachable. Butchers (upped) deals more damage than an ik maul, in fact almost twice as much (unfortunately it cannot roll eth). Botd thundermaul is not good, it has about as much damage as non eth schaefers, it is outclassed by eth razors edge and non eth headstriker. Headstriker still has damage, but Death Cleaver and Grief are new to the list and are very close. At this point i started to wonder how the rest of the equipment might change these results, because grief is so easy to build around or because headstriker will not allow the addition of any more DS. Thus, i handpicked some weapons and calculated the DPS for some set ups i pulled right of my head. These set ups can be used, but if you want to change something, you have to get the break points and solve the equation (or ask in the comments).

Set up comparison


I will start with the overview.
Set up Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS % of max
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth veil-cham lava nosf gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 915 91 52344 100
Grief-PB fort gulli-cham gore nosf grave 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 830 78 44318 85
Schaefers-eth-4lo fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 230 160 11 2.87 830 105 43208 83
Headstriker-eth-4ohm lava nosf rite Andy-15ias fort 2 45 1.5 350 80 10 3.16 830 100 42731 82
Gavel of pain-4lo-2ohm-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 350 12 30 13 2.43 915 90 36628 70
Beast-Ettin-eth fort nosf gore gravepalm gulli-cham 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 58 33490 64
Doom-BA-eth fort lava nosf andy2s-30ias marrow 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 930 30 30128 58
Death-BA-eth grave nosf veil fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 915 78 29564 56
Botd-BA-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 10 3.16 860 43 25637 49
DeathCleaver gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 280 10 3.16 950 91 22863 40
Razor's-Edge-eth-shael LionH Gulli-15ias grave string rite 2 45.5 1.5 225 10 3.16 745 83 21663 38
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Andy lionheart 2 45 1 150 80 10 3.16 795 100 19502 34
ColdSteel-Eye-eth-shael sigon-helm-gloves LionH string marrow 2 36 1.5 240 9 3.51 745 50 16331 29
Butchers sigon-glove-helm treachery string rite 2 49 1 195 30 50 10 3.16 770 35 15173 27
Lacerator-eth nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1.5 250 9 3.51 680 44.2 13882 25
Razor's-Edge-shael sigon-glove-helm treachery string rite 2 45.5 1 225 9 3.51 630 50 11363 20
IK Set 500ele-dmg 1 91.5 1 200 11 2.87 830 8764 15
Ill assume you are familiar with d2 abberations and ill not explain them, because the guide is already kind of long. I tried to be as fair as possible with the comparison. Maybe a set up could get some more dps by socketing a cham and then ditching marrow walks for gore riders. I did this for the first three weapons and the difference isn't to big. You can check the following tables for more details on some set ups. Some stats i just made up, e.g. just made up some rolls on weapons. If you find something that's totally off, msg me. The attacks per second (aps) were calculated with the weights for his attacks as explained above. Roughly spoken, because of his double attack, he will attack 1.26 times as often as listed in this table). When using this calc, it will always display the aps as if he only uses his double attack, which is incorrect, although the break points are right. I would also like to put these numbers into perspective. Consider a good melee char with 10k average damage, 60% DS and 6 fpa, thats 66k dps. A well euqipped barb merc comes pretty close to that. Or a summoner druid with pretty good euqipment does about 80k, then a barb merc could deal about 50% of the damage of all of his summons together. Thats why i think its reasonable to consider a barb merc as a dps source, think of him as your own personal zealer. You can use him for utility, e.g. to proc AD but maybe your better of just handing him a hard hitting stick and let him wreck havoc himself.

budget options

The last place goes to the Immortal King set. This set is a good stepping stone for player barbs, with its all-around stats. But most of its stats are wasted for an act5 merc, all its +skills do not count, all res is not needed in this amount, fhr is useless. The best additions are flat AR and %DR, which can be found on other pieces of gear more easily and in greater numbers, it also lacks important stats like DS. The hammer now comes with 45ias, in addition with the set bonus it will hit a reasonable break point, which is nice. Best dps stats are speed, weapon damage, min and max damage and DS. Every weapon that has some of those, will be a good choice. For me Coldsteel Eye, Butchers pupil and Razors edge stood out. Coldsteel Eye also comes with some nice utility. I did include some cheap set ups to make the most out of these weapons. In general pick a good weapon, bring it to a reasonable speed and then add cnbf, as many DS and LL as you can fit and you will have a respectable merc. There are some items worth mentioning, that are not in the table. Rite of passage is a very cheap option to add cnbf. Heavenly garb will add a lvl1 sanc aura, which sets all undead phy resistance to 0, also for the player. Duriels shell has resistances, cnbf and can be corrupted for sockets, which, when filled with ed jewels, will add as much offweapon-ed as lion heart. Peace adds the amazon oskill deadly strike, which is a great dps increase.

Death Cleaver

Big news Death Cleaver is a good weapon. An act5 merc doubles the base damage of this thing and turns it straight into ridiculous. It has great damage with a variety of set ups, any good item you might have on a mule can be built into a good set up.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa Avg aps OffW-ED DS DPS
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth veil-cham lava nosf gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 915 91 52344
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth gulli-cham lava nosf gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 830 100 50220
DeathCleaver-3ohm-shael-eth veil grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 450 10 3.16 915 94 48735
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth andy grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 830 94 48713
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth veil lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 915 76 48233
DeathCleaver-4ohm-eth gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 500 10 3.16 830 91 47960
DeathCleaver-1ohm-eth gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 950 91 40611
DeathCleaver-4shael-eth veil grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1.5 280 9 3.51 915 94 37413
DeathCleaver-4ohm gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 500 10 3.16 830 91 31973
DeathCleaver gulli lava nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 280 10 3.16 950 91 22863
DeathCleaver andy grave nosf marrow fort 2 47.5 1 280 10 3.16 830 94 20568
It already comes with a lot of DS and good speed. Any ethereal one will be around the top end dps rune words can achieve. Without a good corruption or non-eth it is quite close to the budget options.


Remember how grief was changed, so i cannot be abused by smiters? Well now its very good on barb mercs.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Grief-PB fort gulli-cham gore nosf grave 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 830 78 44318
Grief-PB fort gulli-cham gore nosf steelr 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 930 60 44120
Grief-PB fort gulli marrow nosf steelr 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 930 45 39984
Grief-PB fort gulli marrow string lava 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 930 35 37226
Grief-eth-BA fort gulli nosf lava marrow 2 47.5 1.5 220 250 10 3.16 830 45 36090
Grief-eth-BA fort andy2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 47.5 1.5 220 250 9 3.51 830 30 35952
Grief-PB peace delirium marrow nosf steelr 2 29 1 220 250 9 3.51 730 56.6 34798
Grief-eth-BA peace andy2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 47.5 1.5 220 250 9 3.51 630 56.6 33995
PB requires some dex on equipment, which makes it a good pair with marrow walk. Needs only a single source of ias to get max speed, which makes the set up quite flexible and andy not a good choice. Out of curiosity i checked if Grief build into an eth BA is better, but the increased ias demands or loss in speed will result in overall less damage. Additionally a Grief-PB can be reused on any other char, in fact the whole set up can be easily reused. It is a great damage weapon for an act5 merc, but lacks any further utility for the player character.


A trend you will recorgnize with every unique presented here: an eth well corrupted one is much better, than its normal counterpart. Schaefers might be the one exception, because even non-eth it has a lot of possible and good builds. Its static procs are interesting for lightning damage characters, like tesla-dins, jav zons and lightning sorceress. An act5 merc with schaefers will pair very well with the first two, because they can also take advantage of his might aura.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Schaefers-eth-4lo fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 230 160 11 2.87 830 105 43208
Schaefers-eth-4ohm fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 430 160 11 2.87 830 25 37460
Schaefers-eth-1ohm fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 280 160 11 2.87 830 25 29125
Schaefers-eth-4shael fort gulli2s-30ias nosf lava marrow 2 55.5 1.5 230 160 10 3.16 830 25 28981
Schaefers nosf lava fort andy-cham gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 880 25 21322
Schaefers-shael nosf lava peace veil-cham gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 715 47.5 20924
Schaefers nosf lava peace andy marrow 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 680 44.2 19577
Schaefers-shael nosf lava fort delirium marrow 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 830 10 17806
Schaefers-shael nosf lava duri gulli gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 630 40 17789
Schaefers nosf lava duri andy gore 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 680 25 16971
Schaefers nosf lava lionheart andy marrow 2 55.5 1 230 160 11 2.87 780 10 16849
Most set ups assume a 40ias roll, but some leave an open socket to add a 15ias jewel. A normal schaefers can be bought for a mid rune and will allow for some good budget set ups. Also with its lack of DS it does pair well with peace and a +all skills helmet.

Cresent Moon

Schaefers little cousin. Can also proc static, but an um-rune is easier to come by than a schaefers. Some bases are valiable, conquest, mythical and cryptic sword, as well as small cresent, berserker and ettin axe. The axes do have better stats, but a mythical is almost as good as BA and is much easier to find.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
CresentMoon-BA-eth grave andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 880 28 16934
CresentMoon-Myth-eth grave andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 45 1.5 200 10 3.16 880 28 16043
CresentMoon-Crypt-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 41 1.5 200 10 3.16 830 43 15497
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava andy nosf peace marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 680 44.2 15184
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 915 10 15073
CresentMoon-Crypt-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 41 1.5 200 9 3.51 680 44.2 14563
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava andy nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 880 10 14553
CresentMoon-Myth-eth grave andy-15ias nosf duri gore 2 45 1.5 200 10 3.16 680 43 14265
CresentMoon-Crypt-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 41 1.5 200 9 3.51 880 10 13957
CresentMoon-Ettin-eth lava andy nosf fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 200 11 2.87 880 10 13787
CresentMoon-Ettin-eth lava Gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 200 12 2.63 830 25 13629
CresentMoon-BA-eth lava andy nosf Lionheart marrow 2 47.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 780 10 13068
CresentMoon-Ettin-eth lava andy nosf treachery marrow 2 49.5 1.5 200 10 3.16 680 10 12071
The damage is nothing to cry home about and aligns with other budget options. A schaefers beats it at all gear levels, but at the lower end only by a small margin. If you you do not have a schaefers, but a java or tesla-din i would think to much and build one.


The former best in slot. Not much one can do here. Since crit chance is already maxed, there aren't many items that increase the dps. Now that mercs can equip more items, crit chance is easier to come by and headstrikers advantage shrinks.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Headstriker-eth-4ohm lava nosf rite Andy-15ias fort 2 45 1.5 350 80 10 3.16 830 100 42731
Headstriker-eth-1shael-3ohm lava nosf rite Andy treachery 2 45 1.5 300 80 9 3.51 630 100 33811
Headstriker-eth-3shael lava nosf rite Andy-15ias fort 2 45 1.5 150 80 9 3.51 830 100 29858
Headstriker-eth-shael lava nosf rite Andy fort 2 45 1.5 150 80 10 3.16 830 100 26872
Headstriker-eth-shael lava nosf rite Andy treachery 2 45 1.5 150 80 9 3.51 630 100 23437
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Andy lionheart 2 45 1 150 80 10 3.16 780 100 19175
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Veil lionheart 2 45 1 150 80 11 2.87 815 100 18125
Headstriker-shael lava nosf rite Andy treachery 2 45 1 150 80 9 3.51 630 100 17674
Pretty much the only thing to be done is to stack ias, since there is none on the weapon itself. An eth Headstriker with a good corruption will still deal top end damage, but a not so good one also falls off pretty hard. Grief is easier to obtain, easier to build and can be reused, schaefers is about the same dmg and offers some utiity. On the lower end, there are better weapons that are cheaper to build around, but the difference is not the big.

Gavel of Pain

Again, the corruption suggests a much better damage than you might realistically expect, even a respectable eth one with 3os will deal about as much damage as some budget options. However its utility feature is, that he procs Amplified damage (AD). AD has been significantly nerved in PD2 (and is bugged atm, to my knowledge). Might still be interesting for characters, that deal phys damage, but can not make use of other utilities mentioned above or don't want them. To mind come wind druids with their phys spells, or war cry barbs. If you are interested in some thoughts on AD procs for a summoner druid you can have a good read here
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Gavel of pain-6ohm-eth draculs veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 550 12 30 13 2.43 915 10 29871
Gavel of pain-3ohm-3shael-eth draculs veil nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 400 12 30 11 2.87 915 10 27621
Gavel of pain-6shael-eth grave andy nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 250 12 30 10 3.16 830 28 23387
Gavel of pain-6shael-eth draculs veil nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 250 12 30 10 3.16 915 10 21935
Gavel of pain-eth-ohm draculs veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 300 12 30 13 2.43 915 10 19039
Gavel of pain-shael lava Darksight-15ias nosf peace gore 1 106.5 1 250 12 30 12 2.63 655 49 12900
Gavel of pain lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1 250 12 30 12 2.63 880 10 12362
Gavel of pain draculs veil-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1 250 12 30 13 2.43 915 10 11818
Gavel of pain 1 106.5 1.5 250 12 30 13 2.43 630 11032
Its lack of native ias makes it hard to bring it to reasonable aps. With this speed expect him to proc AD about every 2-3 seconds.


The second weapon to proc AD. With its higher speed and higher proc chance, it is a more reliable source.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Lacerator-eth-100ed-corr nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 680 44.2 17848
Lacerator-eth nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1.5 250 9 3.51 680 44.2 13882
Lacerator-eth nosf andy lava fort marrow 2 33,5 1.5 250 9 3.51 880 10 13305
Lacerator nosf veil lava fort marrow 2 33.5 1 250 10 3.16 965 44.2 11372
Lacerator nosf andy lava peace marrow 2 33.5 1 250 9 3.51 680 44.2 9255
Although this time much easier to hit max speed, this weapon is held back by its low base dmg. At the very high end it is also limited by the lack of sockets. Overall a merc with this weapon will not deal much damage by himself and AD must be of very value for your character to make this reasonable. However at the lower end its damage is comparable with gavel of pain and might be the more reliable alternative.


Beast has an advantage, that i neglected, which is a %AR bonus. Its usefullness is situational, but my guess is, that i undervalue the DPS by about 10%, keep that in mind. It matches well with characters that deal physical damage, even better with slow weapons, that fanatism can speed up. To mind come summoners or a bowa zon. Regarding the base the best set up i found favors an eth ettin axe. It is also easier to obtain than a beserker axe. Here is the detailed table for everybody to check.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Beast-Ettin-eth fort nosf gore gravepalm gulli-cham 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 58 33490
Beast-Ettin-eth fort TOBelt gore gravepalm gulli-15ias 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 48 31371
Beast-BA-eth fort gulli marrow nosf grave 2 47.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 43 29086
Beast-Ettin-eth peace TOBelt gore draculs gulli-15ias 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 910 47.5 27945
Beast-Ettin-eth peace grave nosf marrow gulli-15ias 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 57.25 27432
Beast-Ettin-eth peace nosf marrow lava delirium 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 900 44.2 27049
Beast-Ettin-eth fort TOBelt gore andy ogre 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1110 15 26102
Beast-Thunder-eth fort nosf andy lava marrow 1 106.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 10 25082
Beast-Thunder-eth peace nosf andy lava marrow 1 106.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 32.5 24866
Beast-BA-eth peace gulli marrow nosf grave 2 47.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 47.5 24692
Beast-Ettin-eth fort TOBelt gore sigon gloves/helm 2 49.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 1030 15 24376
Beast-champ-eth fort nosf gulli-15ias marrow grave 1 76.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 43 19277
Beast-champ-eth fort nosf gulli-cham gore lava 1 76.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 40 18872
Beast-champ-eth fort nosf andy-cham grave gore 1 76.5 1.5 260 9 3.51 830 33 17929
Building around beast is kind of weird, because like grief it already offers so much, that the usual BIS items are not needed and then i realized, that there isn't much to fill the gaps. Beast adds a lot of off-weapon ed and speed. Thus the only dps stat to look out for, that is left, is DS. This makes peace or gravepalm quite good options. Thundermaul needs 52 additional ias to reach max speed, which is reached straight forward with andy nosf and lava. Note that beast already has %AR increase and lava gout looses a bit of its edge, draculs or loh come to mind as alternatives. An ettin axe needs 25 additional ias to reach max speed, which is 20ias from gloves or belt and a 15ias jewel. Or one could use one of the two low lvl sets: sigon gloves and helm add a good amount of flat ar that synergies well with fana, or deaths set gloves and belt for some res. Or an andy could be used to open up some slots for defensive options. A BA needs 4 more ias, which is much less than an ettin axe. But ias up to about 50 is so easy to come by, that this isn't much of an advantage. It leaves a lot of room to mix and match, but finding solutions for all slots without ias is kind of challenging. In the end its almost the same set up as for ettin, but with less damage and an expensive base. I also added a champion axe for scale.


Mostly used on act2 mercs, but now available through the addition of axes on act5 and not much discussed. This might add some defense, that this merc naturally lacks.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Doom-BA-eth peace lava nosf andy2s-30ias marrow 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 730 62.2 30291
Doom-BA-eth fort lava nosf andy2s-30ias marrow 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 930 30 30128
Doom-BA-eth lava nosf marrow fort gulli 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 880 45 28775
Doom-Ettin-eth peace lava nosf andy marrow 2 49.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 730 62.2 28410
Doom-Ettin-eth fort lava nosf andy marrow 2 49.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 930 30 28256
Doom-BA-eth lava nosf marrow fort veil 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 965 30 28036
Doom-BA-eth lava nosf marrow peace delirium 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 730 62.2 27262
Doom-BA-eth duri lava nosf andy2s-30ias gore 2 47.5 1.5 350 9 3.51 730 45 27079
Doom-BA-eth sigon helm/glove string gore fort 2 47.5 1.5 350 10 3.16 880 30 25799
When built into an eth BA it is already quite close to the 75 break point, with its 45 native ias. Which makes it easy to reach reasonable speeds. Also using andy makes reaching max speed possible, for everything else 30ias and some utility will do it. Another nice feature of doom is its +2all skills, which, with another +2all skills from helmet, makes peace really shine and comparable to the damage of fortitude. Doom will allow for a well-rounded build, enabling the highest might aura-lvl one can achieve with this merc. Its damage is also not to far from the other options.


Can now be build into a one-handed weapon, while formerly only two-handed swords were possible, thats about a 10% dmg buff. Its damage is ok, but it's the cheapest ("only" vex and gul) of the high end rune words. Like grief, it can be reused on an actual character. It also offers some defensive utility in the form of glacial spike procs, turning it into a low-cost doom. It also has great amounts of crushing blow, but mercs get shred by bosses (prime-evil tag), where it could shine, which makes it kind of anti-synergistic.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Death-BA-eth grave nosf veil fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 915 78 29564
Death-BA-eth ogre nosf gulli fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 930 75 29495
Death-BA-eth grave nosf gulli fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 830 93 29371
Death-BA-eth lava nosf andy-15ias fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 300 10 3.16 830 60 26784
Death-Ettin-eth lava nosf andy-15ias fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 880 60 26739
Death-Ettin-eth grave nosf veil-15ias fort marrow 2 49.5 1.5 300 13 2.43 915 78 26069
Death-BA-eth ogre nosf gulli duri gore 2 47.5 1.5 300 11 2.87 730 90 25805
Death-Ettin-eth lava nosf andy treachery marrow 2 49.5 1.5 300 10 3.16 680 60 23410
The set up with treachery and an ettin axe is not to far of the other options, which makes a great budget-medium build.


It is just not great on act5 mercs. The good news is it also does not go to waste, because it be reused by players. It is a little bit more expensive than death, but i think both are comparable. Its utility features are life leech, which will make the merc tankier, some stats (unfortunately vit and dex are pretty much wasted, turning it into 30offW-ed) and a nice amount of ias.
Name Bonus base eth Weapon Ed Min Max fpa aps OffW-ED DS DPS
Botd-BA-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 10 3.16 860 43 25637
Botd-Thunder-eth grave gulli-15ias nosf fort marrow 1 106.5 1.5 315 12 2.63 860 43 23950
Botd-BA-eth lava andy-15ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 9 3.51 910 10 23053
Botd-Thunder-eth lava andy2s-30ias nosf fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 10 3.16 910 10 20748
Botd-Thunder-eth lava nosf gulli fort marrow 2 47.5 1.5 315 11 2.87 860 25 20373
A non-eth headstriker already comes dangerously close, as well as a non-eth schaefers. A well rolled oath will have all the same advantages, minus the life leech. Id favor death or oath over botd.

Equipment overview

Ill shortly summarize the best options i found while doing the comparisons.


  • Veil of steel for its +1all skill, offweapon-ed and res.
  • Andariels visage for its +2all skill, LL and ias, which is sometimes mandatory to hit some break points.
  • Gulliams face for its 15DS, which is great on all physical attackers, but mercs especially, because they lack the amu slot and skills.
I found that all three are about equally good, if one was chosen over the other, it required gear changes and in the end each set up ended up with about the same damage. The helm slot is also very good for a cham-rune. This can open the boot slot for gore riders.
  • Noteworthy mentions: sigons and halaberd for flat AR. Rockstopper and vamp gaze for %DR. Tal rasha for res and leech. Crown of thieves was nerved. Arreats skills and vit do not work, thus not that great.
  • Special mention goes to delirium. It offers +2all skills like andy, but instead of ias and LL some valuable defensive triggers. The doll transformation would make up for the dmg loss in the helm slot. However right now, if he transforms, he right out stops attacking at all, turning the otherwise awesome transformation into a death sentence. This seems to be bug, maybe it will get fixed (if i would be a mod, this would be the lowest priority)


  • BIS is by far Chains of honor. Every time i wrote fort in the tables you can replace it with CoH and will get the same damage, but more skills, leech and res.
  • Fortitude has great damage, max res, defense (which might actually be a selling point, with conc) and life
  • lionheart is not to far behind fortitude when it comes to off-weapon ED and also has all res. Unfortunately its +vit goes to waste
  • Duriels shell is good, because it opens the boot slot for gores, which is worth 15%DS, it also brings res and life
  • The new shark tooth got up to 35DS, which i realized after writing the guide. This should theoretically be able to beat forti, especially with sockets
  • Each unique armor with some sockets can be brought to the same damage of lion hreat, with some socketed ed jewels. Noteworthy mentions: Gladiators bane for cnbf and dmg reduction. Shaftstop for %DR. Heavenly garb to reduce phys res of undead and some res


  • I found lava gout to be my go to solution. The ias and %AR are just good, LL can be found somewhere else and the fire res pair well with andy.
  • Other than that all gloves with DS and ias are good options: draculs, graveplam, LoH, Ghoulhide or blood-crafts (likely the best slot for crafts)


  • BIS nosferatu. Its ias is very handy and DS is just great.
  • Trang ouls can situational be used for cnbf and string of ears if everything is already in place and some defense is wanted.
  • Other than that, ik belt has some nice resistances and thundergods some light absorb, but id say those are situational


  • BIS is shared between marrow and gore
At a lower budget duri + gore wins against lionheart + marrow (although it's kind of close). Then fort + marrow outdamages this combo. And after that, when cnbf is found on another piece (corruption or cham) its gore again. So, if cnbf can be found somewhere else, then its gore, marrow otherwise
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how to find loose slot machines and win $22,000 las vegas Loose Slots List 2021. Discover how to find loose slot machines with the best payouts and volatility at online gambling sites. If you love playing slot machines and want to get serious about winning, you need to find a loose slot machine. A loose slot machine is a machine that has a higher than average payout. With a little cleverness and planning you can be winning large amounts in no time! Steps. Every slot machine review we publish includes a section dedicated to the payout percentage with easy-to-understand info about the games with frequent payouts and whether one is a loose slot or not. A slot machine is loose when it pays out a lot of money. It also needs to do this often to be considered loose. You’ll see some writers say that a loose slot machine is one with a high payback percentage, but that’s not enough to qualify as loose. It also needs to have low volatility. When a slot is described as being ‘loose’ what we mean is that it offers better returns to players in the long term. Just how good those returns are is determined by the slot’s return to player (RTP) percentage. If a slot machine has just paid out a large jackpot then you should give it some time before playing it. Another thing you want to keep in mind is the slot machines will have their cycles. There is not a game out there that will remain tight forever and at some point that machine is going to pay out big and you want to be the player that is playing it when this happens. When a gambler describes a slot machine as “loose” or “tight,” she’s usually referring to the payback percentage for the game. Slots with a higher payback percentage than average are loose, while slots with a lower payback percentage than average are tight. Loose slots usually have a higher hit ratio than tight slots, too. What’s loose? Simply, a machine that has a high payback percentage – the amount of money you get back for every dollar or pound you put into the slot machine. In general terms, I’d consider a slot machine loose if it paid back 95% or more. Slot machines which pay less than 90% I’d consider “tight”. Over the years, players have developed a number of theories about finding loose slot machines. Casinos place loose machines near the entrances, for example, so passersby can see players winning and are enticed to enter the casino and try their luck. The loose machines are also at the ends of the aisles to draw players into the aisle, where the tight machines are. And, of course, a loose machine is always surrounded by tight machines. You never have two loose machines side by side.

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Casino Slot Machine Manipulation Is Totally Possible - YouTube

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what's a loose slot machine

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