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submitted by Christinecsdsmaj to u/Christinecsdsmaj [link] [comments]

I turn 20 IN 3 hours, but I want to leave some parting advice of things I’ve learnt through my teenage years.

As the title says I’m turning 20 years old. I have learned a lot being a teenager, it’s the prime of our lives, it’s where we finish secondary school, get our first part-time job, choose a university, or leave school and get a full-time job. Personally, I have learnt a lot, most of it is from my own experiences but I wish someone else had told me earlier on before I found out for myself. I wouldn’t say I’m leaving this sub forever; I’ll give myself the “old” tag and give advice where I think I could be of help. I would still like to write the bulk of what I’ve learned here to help you. 1. I see a lot of posts about mental health and suicide and you need to know it’s okay not to be okay. Help is out there I love helping people I enjoy it, so please message me if you need help. I to have felt depressed at times, one major thing about me is that I care too much about what people think about me, if someone has a problem I want to know why. If you’re like this too learn to let things roll of your back and ignore them. 2. Stop worrying about relationships at 13 to 16 years old, at the time of writing this I haven’t had a girlfriend yet nor anything even close, nothing lasted more than a night 2 days at the most. We will all find someone at some point. I have thought about losing my virginity to a prostitute, it might fun, and I shouldn’t regret it, but I probably would. 3. Do well in school, one of my biggest regrets is being too busy trying to be the funny popular guy trying to be everyone’s friend, I failed at both having a huge circle of friends and failed school as well. 4. Your school grades don’t define who you are. There are plenty of options for you to take and still do what you want to do but doing as well as you can in school will make doing what you want easier. 5. Get a part time job once you are old enough. Even if it a volunteer job it will give you much needed work experience that will help you eventually get a paid job. Also looks good on a university application. Try and avoid customer service for your first! 6. Save up your money. I understand once you start working you might be tempted to spend your money on new games or PC upgrades I know I was, and that’s ok, it’s nice to treat ourselves every so often, however even putting just £50 aside each month into a savings account will help massively for when you wish to buy a car, pay for university or pay for when you decide to go on holiday with friends after you finish school and help you get a property for when you wish to move out. 7. If you know what to do you could invest your money in stocks, I wish I’d known to do that sooner, if you can invest £100 each month into shares over a few months or years your portfolio will grow and hopefully if you bought the right shares could make some sweet profit. 8. Carrying on from number 3. Use this time while you’re still at home to travel, I live in the UK so after we did A levels (I did engineering Btec) after saving up for about 2 years my friends and I were able to go interrailing (backpacking as the Americans call it!) through Europe for 4 weeks. But only do this with friends that you know you can have fun with. The people I went with didn’t enjoy going out to clubs and getting drunk as much as I do, so I wish I had gone with people I could do that with. 9. if it, it’s too good to be true it usually is 10. your Parents don’t always know best, if you want to follow a career path and your parents don’t agree do it, you will regret it. Thankfully I have parents that support me in whatever I do, but I know people that do. 11. Don’t hang around people who aren’t your friends. Fake people are the worst people, people like this will uses you, manipulate you and lie to you. 12. It is ok to have no friends, there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. Eventually you will find a small social crowds with whom you will do everything with. 13. As Chris Gardner once said Plan B and C are rubbish, stick to your plan A and you will succeed. 14. People don’t always change; some do I am completely different now than 2 years ago. But some people I was at school with are the same, they are the same dickhead who likes to be funny by putting others down, people like that are stuck in their own little world to scared to realize that they have been left behind due to still being immature. 15. As I said in 11 and 4 if you don’t have fun you will regret it, I promise you, one of the friends I went with told me he regrets not smoking weed in Amsterdam or getting drunk on £1 beers in Budapest and wants to go again to have the experience he didn’t. Life is fun enjoy it while you can. 16. You will probably have that night where you go to a party or a night out in town where you’ll drink too much and get beyond the point of wasted, at the time you’ll feel like shit and regret it but after time for me it was a year it becomes something you and your friends laugh at especially when they tell you all the things you can’t remember. 17. “In game theory, it serves you to be two-faced. Be everyone's friend 'til the moment you're not. Make them love you so much that when they're up against you, their own loyalty will act against their own self-interests”. That's game theory. This was taken from one of my favourite TV series prison break. And I think it perfectly describes social interaction between teenagers and young adults. People will use you and you will use people even when that wasn’t your intention. I’ve been used by people id call my closest friends some did it intentionally some not. 18. Find a hobby there is no such thing as an odd or weird hobby, it allows you to find a common interest with people allowing you to make new friends and meet people, when I turned 18 my hobby was cigars, I’d go to various cigar lounges around London and meet people obviously they were older but the best thing about a cigar is the great conversation that comes with it. That’s just my opinion. 19. You will most likely regret the things you didn’t do not the things you did. Don’t dwell on the past and your previous mistakes focus on the present and the future. If there is someone you fancy, ask them out what’s the worst that will happen? They might say yes worst case they say no. but at least you tried. 20. At a nightclub or festival where your surrounded by people you don’t know, never except a drink from anyone if it wasn’t poured out Infront of you. First time I went clubbing I excepted a drink of champagne from someone I didn’t know in one of London’s busiest clubs I was lucky that it was fine. 21. Never shake someone’s hand sitting down and always grip firmly and make eye contact. 22. In a negation never make the first offer. 23. Take the time to talk to a homeless person, they sometimes have the most interesting stories and lessons to teach. Everyone falls on hard times, someone I spoke to was a veteran and ended up losing his home. 24. Friends come and go 25. Never stop in the pursuit of happiness 26. Loneliness isn’t forever. The most popular person may also feel alone. 27. It might not be a good life, but it’s your life so live it. 28. You can never please everyone, live for yourself and not others I know this is a long post but below I’ve left a summary of all the things I’ve done and experienced being a teenager (2012 – 2021) 11-12: Started secondary school where I made new friends and experienced a whole new environment including no more packed lunches. 12-13: Another year of secondary school, made it into the higher level classes for science and IT, at this point I started to experience bullying for the first time from the same person I was friends with the year before, I also entered my schools coding competition where we competed against the neighbouring school in who could create the best game on scratch. During this year I re-kindled a past friendship with someone from primary school whom I drifted apart from. We remain close to this day. (He won the coding competition with a moon landing game). Joined my school’s car mechanics club too. 13-14 3rd year of school, the bullying started getting worse. Applied for the bronze Duke of Edinburgh award ( for the non-brits here it’s an award scheme where the participant has to take part in volunteering, something physical a skill and finally a hiking expedition) no you don’t get to meet prince philip until you complete the gold award too. Picked my GCSE options. Had my first real crush (this was a fiasco in itself) as well as had my first kiss with someone else (another awful experience). 14-15 Aight cool year 10, time to start my GCSE studies and think about the future. The bullying reached its peak I lost it tried to fight him failed sort of, I got a few punched in before teachers came and pulled us apart, spent the rest of that day and the whole next day internal exclusion room, him too. (was oddly fun ngl), might I add that even the headteacher was aware of the bullying and didn’t care neither did the pastoral manager who when I told her about the first time told me to go away and grow up. Completed my Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. I never completed the last level (gold). 15-16 Woo last year of high school time to sit the exams that so many people think will ruin their lives if they fail. Yes the best you do will allow you to go on and do better things like a good university or doing the A levels you want, but it won’t stop you getting the career you want, you will just need to take a different path to get there like I did. Towards the summer I was getting ready to go on Israel tour my first time away from home for more than a week and to a new country without my family. For those of you that don’t know what Israel tour is, it is when you go to the state of Israel for 3 weeks maybe more depending on the tour organiser and see various sites such as the western wall, dead sea, Masada, ride camels in the desert, live on an army base for a few days as part of a small boot camp type thing (my favourite part) and much, much more. On this though I sadly realised that some people can’t be trusted and will stab you in the back, my “friend” liked the same person I did and instead of saying something to me he just spoke shit about me to her. 16-17 Secondary school, been there done that got the fucking t shirt. After not doing as well as I expected to in my GCSE exams, I had to change my plan slightly. I wanted to go into forensic science to do this I wanted to study level 3 Btec in applied science, but because I had failed 2 of my exams (the important ones) I had to do a level 2 course instead (same subject but lower level) during this year being in a new environment from the last I bought and smoked weed for the first time as well as getting my first hangover. During this year I was able to re sit my exams I passed 1 but still failed the other. I realised that the subject I was doing was no longer my passion. I got my first part time job as a receptionist so I could build my first gaming PC. My other close mate: after helping him meet his first girlfriend which by this point was at the 8- or 9-months mark, the 2 of them wanted to help me find someone. After fancying the same girl for the last 3 years at this point they introduced me to someone else, we were all away on a summer camp together so after being introduced we got talking for the next 4 whole days became really close only for on the last night before the big party for her friend to talk shit about me to her (seems to be a pattern here). A week later I had my second snog (kiss, make out, get with) with someone else (whatever u want to call it), this one was decent this happened to me on the NCS award (national citizen service) it’s like the Duke of Edinburgh award. 17-18 As I said before science was no longer what I wanted to do, so I changed to engineering at a new college (community college for the Americans). As I still didn’t have a C grade or above in my remaining GCSE exam, I had to do another level 2 course to pass. I got a new job as a waitekitchen assistant. started talking to another girl who in many ways she was a female version of me, we agreed on everything and got on well had so much in common it was unreal. My mate sadly broke up with his girlfriend so he was on the market too looking for someone else, I suggested to him that for his 18th he should throw a massive party, he agreed. I saw it as the perfect opportunity to make a move on the girl I was talking too; so, I invited her as my plus one. I got to his house early to help setup the house, she arrived about an hour later. I made a poor miss judgment that night and drunk about half a bottle of Russian standard vodka (no mixers). Being my drunk self I stumbled over to her and we began talking, then guess who comes over to us the same girl who cock blocked me previously and she does the god damn same, I have to admit me being as drunk as I was at That point definitely didn’t help. As you could I lost my shit at the person who yet again ruined something for me I went off on one in front of the whole goddamn party by this point the full force of my drinking hit me, I was unrollable cursing at the bitch who for the second time ruined something I had with someone. By this point the girl I invited left early, and my parents were called to pick me up. FYI the party stared at 8 I was home by 9 30 passed out. The girl I invited never spoke to me again I tried to apologise she didn’t really want much to do with me (understandable). My 18th I went clubbing for the first time and experienced a casino for the first time (played blackjack with £25 walked out with £120(I don’t encourage gambling, only play with what you can afford to lose)). The night club itself was something I didn’t enjoy all too much, main reason being there was only a few of us and the club was full of much older crowd than us, drinks where a fortune too, it was fun I enjoyed being out in the capital with my close mates at that time. It’s all about finding clubs that offer student nights where the crowd will be younger. Summertime, before the majority from my year head to university they all host a second school prom a reunion. This night again I learnt that people can and will be 2 faced if it serves them better. A girl who my mate had been helping me get talking to decided that the night before prom at a separate party he would make out with her himself (I was fine with that; I wasn’t at that party). I got invited to pre-drinks at this girls house the minute I walked in something felt off, it wasn’t until later I knew why; I found out my mate had made out with her the night before, unexpectedly he apologised to me (he didn’t need to, however I told him it was fine and move on) I was still hoping to get with her. 20 minutes later Infront of me the same mate of mine and the same girl were making out again (now I was pissed, first you apologise and then 20 minutes later do it Infront of me and everyone making me look like a mug). And again he apologises I played the bigger man held myself back from sparking him in the face and said that once is a mistake, 2 times is a slap in the face) this mate of mine was coming traveling with me 3 days later we didn’t speak until then. I went interrailing (traveling) through Europe with 4 mates that summer. 18-19 What was supposed to be my first year at university turned out to be another year at community college. This was also the start of where things got bad for me, by this point all my friends have had some sexual experience except me. My social crowd at this point is dwindling slowly at the time I didn’t notice I was just being left out more, (looking back, with some of my friends I was a background friend). I was finally on level 3 Btec engineering and have finally passed my last exam that I needed (took 4 attempts but if at first you don’t succeed try, try again). 19-20 (Present) Ok things are bad, I’ve realised that only 2 of my close mates are my only friends ( I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known, don’t know where it goes but its home to me, I walk alone). I knew for a while since the previous summer that most of the people I trust and call my friends don’t care about me. I only ever spoke to them If I was lucky enough to be invited out on the rare occasion (I would usually have to be the one to make the effort). I wanted to rid of the people who don’t care about me, I never thought for a second 2 of my other close mates (separate from the ones I mentioned in 19-20, they will always be my close mates) would be the ones to go first. One of these mates was someone who I had so many memorise with, we went clubbing together, wingmen for each other, I allowed him to get off with someone at my house while I was asleep in the same room (didn’t know until the morning); and now since the start of the coronavirus pandemic we haven’t spoken or seen one another and is telling people it’s my fault. (he and many others know that if I have done something to upset someone I will always be happy to fix it, I hate beefing with people) I realised he didn’t care for me no more, the memories we had together meant so much to me and nothing to him, he’s part of a new social crowd most of them I know and have also tried to get close with but I was never able to. I know I did something wrong to make all these people pull away from me I just don’t know what, I run so many possible reasons through my head but none make sense or seem big enough to make to a huge social crowd no longer want me around (popularity baffles me, it’s one thing I’ve never been nor able to understand). Now in my FINAL year of college and looking at either looking at going to university to study either Aerospace or Electronics engineering, getting an apprenticeship or I may join the army or the royal air force. I kind of wish I studied law. All I really want for my self is a job I’m proud of, something that when someone asks what I do for a living I can tell them and not be embarrassed or ashamed and not have to lie or exaggerate about it. However, before coronavirus hit the UK badly, I started a new part time job in retail pays very well for what it is, and I get nice bonuses I still managed to keep it through the lockdown. Been predicted high grades for my course more than enough for my university choices and the apprenticeships schemes I want. As I said at the beginning, this isn’t goodbye. I’ll still be here offering advice where I see fit giving my wisdom to those who need it. Also, if any of you need to talk or any advice drop me a message on here and I’ll try my best to help. “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
Edit: i hope this doesn't get lost in new
submitted by randomhuman_23 to teenagers [link] [comments]

Ultimate Casino Cashback Guide - Earn over £500 - Every Offer Explained!

This guide aims to outline all of the best gambling cashback offers available over a range of sites, following this guide you should be able to make over £500 in cashback
Note - Cashback often takes a while to payout, bear this in mind when completing offers as you may have to wait to cashout your earnings
When completing these offers don't chase any loses as the cashback will give you a profit with nerly every offer
A short review of each site and some referral links
Topcashback - Cashback will show as tracked within a few days, can take a few weeks to become payable, in some cases even longer, asides from gambling they have great offers for car insurance and mobile phone contracts, worth taking a look to save some extra money!
Ref - Extra £5 when you make £10 cashback
Non-Ref - No reward
Quidco - Much the same as Topcashback
Minimum payment - £10
Ohmydosh - Faster Payouts but less offers
Ref - Extra £1
Non-Ref - No reward
Minimum payout - Any
Cashback Earners - A lesser known site in need of a fresh look, this site also has some bad reviews, referal income is paid to the site on a monthly basis with the dates for each site being different, offers don't seem to show as tracked until the website receive their payment, cashback should appear in your account within 1 month of completing an offer. Cashout amounts are specific, its best to build up a balance and then withdraw. Payment takes around 3 weeks.
Ref - Sign up bonus £6.5
Non-Ref - Sign up bonus £6.5
Minimum payout is £20
Payment Proof - Payments for all sites can be seen here, quidco isn't shown as i have signed up for all the casinos on offer through topcashback

How to Maximize Profit - IMPORTANT - READ THIS

For the majority of these offers you want to play blackjack following the chart found here
Any blackjack game will do, look for a normal version of the game at the site you are playing on and make sure it is a non live game as the hand sizes will be lower.
When playing blackjack there will often be more than one spot that you can bet on, allowing the player to bet more than one hand at a time, Its important to only bet on one spot at a time as it reduces the variance of the game and will ensure you get the maximum return possible from the game, stick to £1 hand sizes when playing and dont be tempted to bet larger amounts as you will be getting a nice amount of cashback from every offer
Through playing blackjack this way the player will get a return of around 98%, meaning for every £100 staked you will lose around £2. If you make a loss on a casino site after completing the required wagering amount, withdraw your remaining balance, don't chase loses as the cashback will make up for loses and give you a profit in most cases.
All offers are updated fairly regularly, make sure to check the terms for each offer as information in this post may become outdated. Also check for other offers every now and then as new casinos are added!

TopCashBack Offers - £400+ Profit

Topcashback Referral - Get an extra £5 - See the Ref Link at the top of the page!
If you dont already have an account at top cashback, you can sign up through my referral to get an extra £5 added to you account once you make £10 cashback
Lottoland - Cashback £15
Add £11 and play 11 separate £1 hands, following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Betfair Casino - Cashback £70
Note this is not the poker offer
Add £50 to your account and play 50 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Quidco are offering £100 for this offer
Party Casino - Cashback £26.5
Deposit and play 30 single £1 hand son blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Tombola - Cashback £24.5
Deposit £10 and open the tombola roulette game, choose a £1 chip size and choose 5 spots, repeat this twice, withdraw any remaining balance, you will likely lose money here but the cashback will give you a profit
Coral - Cashback £46
Add £10 and play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Bingoport - Cashback £3
Sign up to bingoport to get an easy £3
Ladbrokes - Cashback £42
Add £10 to your account and play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Pokerstars - Cashback £32
Add £25 and play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
STS - Cashback £21
Add £30 to your account and play 30 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
William Hill - Cashback £54
add £25 and play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Megacasino - £15.75
Add £25 - Play 25 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
LottoGo - Cashback £3.18
Buy a euromillions ticket
Slingo - Cashback £24.75
Add £10 play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
PaddyPower Games - Cashback £20
Add £10 play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
The Football Pools - Cashback £24.75
Sign up for the £10 a month subscription, cancel this after 30 days
Lottomart - Cashback £18
Add £10 - Play 10 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Genting Slots - Cashback £25
Add £30 play 30 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
OhMyDosh - Cashback £40+
Referral gives an extra £1, sign up through the ref link at the top of the post to get the bonus!
Gala Bingo - Cashback £17.50
Deposit at least £5, you'll get a £10 slots bonus and 100 free spins, these carry hefty wagering requirements, Open any slot and play the minimum spin size, play until you lose all of the money in your account or complete the wagering requirements on the bonus funds. Withdraw any remaining balance.
BGO - £10 Cashback
Deposit at least £15. Play 15 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance. DONT ACCEPT the welcome bonus from BGO.
Lottosocial - Cashback £4
Sign up to Lotto Social - Use your correct phone number when joining as it is the only way to login to your account. Purchase 10 lines for £1, after making a purchase go to your account page and find the list of syndicates your are in, leave the syndicates to avoid making any more payments.
Cheeky Bingo - £10 Cashback
Deposit £10 and get a £40 welcome bonus, just play bingo with all of your funds and hope to get some wins, bonus has 4x wagering requirements.

Quidco - Cashback £100+

Quidco don't offer a sign up bonus, find my ref link at the top of the post if you want to help me out!
All of the offers on quidco are much the same as topcashback, the only offer worth noting is the betfair casino offer which pays £100
Betfair - £100 cashback
Add £100 and play 100 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.

Cashbackearners - Cashback £180+

Sign up Bonus
Get a £6.5 sign up bonus, think this works with or without the ref link, links are at the top of the post!
To find these offers just search for casino on the site.
All of these offers state that you only need to make a deposit, its best to play through the deposit 1x to ensure that the cashback is paid.
LuckyMeSlots - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 single £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Spin Genie - Cashback £12.5
Add £12.5 and play 12.5 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Cashmo - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Ice36 -Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Spinhill Casino - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Galacasino - Cashback £30
add £30 and play 30 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Casino765 - Cashback £12.5
Add £12.5 and play 12.5 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
Casinosuperwins - Not recommended, bad site, awful support
Casino2020 - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play through £15 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Pocketwin - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
The Sun Vegas - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
DrSlot - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
MrSpin - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
PrimeCasino - Cashback £15
Add £15 and play 15 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
ConquestAdor - Cashback £10
Add £10 play 10 £1 hands on blackjack following the strategy outlined at the top of the post, withdraw any remaining balance.
MFortune - Cashback £10
Add £10 and play through £10 on any slot staking the minimum amount per spin. Keep track of spins and quit the slot after wagering the required amount. Don't spin the wheel that pops up after signing up or accept any other bonuses.
Thanks for reading, hope this of use to some people, happy earning!
submitted by Leth96 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Up to £219.11 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh

Up to £219.11 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh
TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh always have a number of gambling offers available, with the offered amounts often changing daily or weekly. There are currently quite a few offers available on each where the cashback amount is more than the required deposit or wager amount. I've done most of these and always keep an eye out for when the amounts increase, to make sure I can get the most for my money. The offers they have on at the moment are some of the best I've ever seen for them.
The first step is to sign up for the cashback sites if you haven't already. If you use a referral link to sign up then you can get an extra bonus once your cashback becomes payable:
Then the next step is to work through the offers. These are all only available for new customers, so if you already have an account with one of the sites then you won't be eligible for the offer from them unfortunately. It's also worth checking the terms as some have specific wagering requirements, for example Betfair Casino must be completed within 3 days of opening your account and low risk roulette bets (covering 25 or more of the 37 outcomes) are excluded from counting towards the wager.
# Site From Cashback Deposit/Wager Profit
1 Coral Casino TCB £42 £10 £32
2 Ladbrokes Casino TCB / Quidco £42 £10 £32
3 Betfair Casino Quidco £40 £10 £30
4 William Hill Casino TCB / Quidco £54 £25 £29
5 Pokerstars TCB / Quidco £32 £20 £12
6 Paddy Power Games TCB / Quidco £20 £10 £10
7 Lottomart TCB £18 £10 £8
8 Foxy Bingo OMD £12.50 £5 £7.50
9 Gala Bingo OMD £12.50 £5 £7.50
9 Buzz Bingo OMD £17.50 £10 £7.50
10 Lottoland TCB £22 £15.01 £6.99
11 Tombola TCB / Quidco £15 £10 £5
12 Cheeky Bingo OMD £15 £10 £5
13 BingoPort TCB £4 - £4
14 LottoGo OMD £4.50 £2 £2.50
15 Free Slots Genie OMD £1.25 - £1.25
16 Profit Accumulator TCB £1.05 - £1.05
17 The Best Free Spins OMD £1 - £1
18 Free Spins Wizard OMD £1 - £1
19 Pick My Postcode TCB £0.90 - £0.90
20 Search Lotto TCB £0.82 - £0.82
21 Free Spins Loopy OMD £0.80 - £0.80
22 Super Free Slots OMD £0.70 - £0.70
23 FreeBingoGenie OMD £0.60 - £0.60
24 bgo OMD £10 £10 -
24 Slingo OMD £20 £20 -
If you complete all these offers then you should make £207.11 cashback in profit through the offers alone. If you are new to the cashback sites and sign up through referral links then this will be £219.11 instead. There's also a chance you can make a profit on any or all the offers and walk away with even more.
There's also a final few key points:
  • Make sure you have all adblockers and tracking protection switched off as otherwise this may lead to issues with the cashback tracking correctly.
  • I've listed the highest paying in terms of deposit/wager to cashback offers here, but if you have a preference for one cashback site over the other then they often offer very similar amounts if you'd rather go with the other instead.
  • Similarly, some sites (OhMyDosh in particular) offer a lower cashback amount but also a lower deposit/wager amount, which may be more appealing to some.
  • Some of the offers may require a premium subscription to receive the mentioned amount. I wrote a guide to maximising cashback that explains these.
  • I don't like to say the cashback is guaranteed as all the cashback sites say it never is, but I've never had an issue with any of these sites, whether through gambling or other offers.
  • Please be aware that these all these offers all are gambling, so I'd highly recommend depositing and wagering only the mimimum amount required to get the cashback, then withdrawing any profit you may have made.
  • Please Be Gamble Aware when using these sites.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of these offers :)
submitted by pKYmlCo70Iyn9D0q38L1 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

$BFT (FoleyTrasimene II), SPAC to become Paysafe

I think that this one has been under-reported somewhat but since I work in the online gaming industry, it showed up on my radar.
This SPAC has reached a deal to bring back Paysafe to the market, at a valuation of 9 billions.
What is Paysafe?
Paysafe Group has been consolidating the market for e-wallets and alternative payment methods for years and went back into private hands 3 years ago.
They regroup all the main e-wallets used for online gambling and Forex: Skrill and Neteller and also prepaid cards (to be bought in 7/11 and the like) under the Paysafe brand.
Why e-wallets matter in the online gambling market?
E-wallets and prepaid cards represent about 25% of the volume of payments in online gambling in UK, Europe, Canada and Skrill/NetellePaysafe are by far the biggest names in this field.
Neteller and Moneybookers (as Skrill was known then) were dominating the US alternative payment methods gambling market in the US before they got pushed out in 2007. They still have high name recognition amongst the gambling crowd and web searches in the US for these brands remain high, even if they can’t process much transactions there for gambling since many states don’t have online gambling legislations yet, or very limiting ones.
E-Wallets are often the preferred payment method for gamblers since it allows to move money from one operator site to the other quickly and cheaply. They can also use it as a bankroll segregated from their main bank account/CC and on top of that, Paysafe offers loyalty benefits to users based on their transaction volumes. As such, their user retention is very good.
The prepaid card business is also a major factor for this stock attractiveness. Prepaid cards to be bought in gas stations or the like are often preferred by gamblers who want to strictly control their gambling or those who don’t have access to a CC (maybe because they gambled too much) or those that prefer cash transactions out of privacy concerns…
Why not invest in the gambling operators instead?
Operators such as Draftkings or legacy casino groups are going to make money but the regulatory environment is harsh and gambling taxes are crazy in some states and might keep going higher.
Moreover, the regulations being so fragmented, many smaller operators push in certain states and not others and the competitive environment is broad. Remember that gambling is a fungible good. There is no difference in the casino games that the operators can offer (same game studios, same rules) and aside from bonuses and the margins on sports bets, the only differentiation is in branding, which is a thin moat on a product that often leaves the users disgruntled (losers).
Payments on the other hand are not taxed for their relationship to gambling and there are far fewer players.
How does Paysafe make money?
The margins on their products are pretty high and Paysafe charges both sides of the transaction in the case of the e-wallets and the merchant side in the case of the prepaid cards.
For the use of Skrill and Neteller wallets, Paysafe charges on average 4.5% on the merchant side for deposits and a whooping 9.9% on deposits with prepaid cards… Larger merchants certainly can negotiate these rates down but this is still a healthy fee, much higher than credit card processors.
In markets where Paysafe has established domination they charge a small deposit fee to the user and a withdrawal fee.
For now, they charge no fees to the US users in a bid to grow market share surely but that will probably end some day.
Growth opportunity:
For now, the US online gambling market is still very limited. Most states have not legalized, the majority of those who have legalized only did so for sports betting and then a handful have legalized online casino gaming (where the real money is made). The opening up of the market is bound to grow as states need money and more of the world moves online.
It is estimated that the online gaming market could reach 25 billions a year in the US in a few years time and 150 billions worldwide.,CAGR%20during%20the%20forecast%20period.
These revenues do not equal to deposited amounts, they equal net deposits (deposits minus withdrawals). The hold % of online casinos can be anywhere between 50% and 80% depending on how degenerate the market is in a given country but we can conservatively assume 60%.
This means that deposits volume in the US alone would reach about 40 billions, Europe about 50 Billions and worldwide 250 billions.
That should give Paysafe around 8-10 billions in transaction volume per year in the US alone , another 10-12 billions in Europe and conservatively, another 20 billions worldwide.
Valuation estimates:
Rough estimates are therefore revenues of about 1.5 billions per year for Paysafe group in a few years for gambling alone.
Paysafe claims 1.5 billions in revenues total projected for 2021, with only a third from gambling.
Even assuming no growth from the other verticals, this means that the total revenues of Paysafe should grow by 66% with gambling alone in the next 5 years or so.
Pysafe is investing a lot into expansion in other areas than gambling, notably video-gaming and remittance so assuming they don’t fuck it up completely, we are likely to see a 3 billions dollar in revenues in the next 5 years.
Using Paypal’s marketcap vs revenues, that would mean 50 billions in marketcap for Paysafe… Of course, Paypal is ingrained deeply in the whole of ecommerce and Paysafe is more specialized in gambling which might be shakier and herefore command a lower valuation.
The deal details are not fully known but it looks like a current valuation of 9 billions for Paysafe Group upon listing.
Based on my estimates, the marketcap could reach 50 billions in a few years time, one US market for gambling fully opens.
$BFT is trading at a 25% premium right now, therefore the estimate is 4x on investment over a few years.
Obviously you retards are not the most patient bunch but I believe the stock will jump when it morphs and so keep an eye out for the options.
submitted by According-Town-5373 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Online Casino/Gambling Content Freelance Writer

We are a website that is part of a digital marketing company that operates in the US and Europe. We are looking for a freelance writer who has experience in the online gambling/online casino space.
Knowledge about how casino games work (slots, blackjack, etc) and playing at online casinos (knowing the signup process, welcome bonuses and special promotions, payment options, other insight, etc) is a plus, as well as being aware of current legal US online casinos and the laws revolving around online gambling. The ability to do research on the topics given will be needed. Must be able to write in US English (not UK).
We are offering $0.05 per word.
Please PM with writing samples (published articles preferred) and for more information if interested.
Thank you.
submitted by GamblingWriters to HireaWriter [link] [comments]

Up to £244.55 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh

Up to £244.55 profit in cashback through gambling offers with TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh
TopCashback, Quidco and OhMyDosh always have a number of gambling offers available, with the offered amounts often changing daily or weekly. There are currently quite a few offers available on each where the cashback amount is more than the required deposit or wager amount. I've done most of these and always keep an eye out for when the amounts increase, to make sure I can get the most for my money. The offers they have on today are some of the best I've ever seen for each of them.
The first step is to sign up for the cashback sites if you haven't already. If you use a referral link to sign up then you can get an extra bonus once your cashback becomes payable:
Then the next step is to work through the offers. These are all only available for new customers, so if you already have an account with one of the sites then you won't be eligible for the offer from them unfortunately. It's also worth checking the terms as some have specific wagering requirements, for example Betfair Poker must be completed within 3 days of opening your account and low risk roulette bets (covering 25 or more of the 37 outcomes) are excluded from counting towards the wager.
# Site From Cashback Deposit/Wager Profit
1 Betfair Poker Quidco £50 £10 £40
2 Pokerstars TCB £45 £25/£10 £35
3 Coral Casino TCB £42 £10 £32
4 Ladbrokes Casino TCB £42 £10 £32
5 William Hill Casino TCB / Quidco £54 £25 £29
6 Paddy Power Games TCB / Quidco £20 £10 £10
7 Lottoland TCB £20 £10.01 £9.99
8 Lottomart TCB £18 £10 £8
9 Foxy Bingo OMD £5 £12.50 £7.50
10 Gala Bingo OMD £5 £12.50 £7.50
11 Tombola Quidco £17.32 £10 £7.32
12 BingoPort TCB £3 - £3
13 LottoGo OMD £4.50 £2 £2.50
14 Free Slots Genie OMD £1.25 - £1.25
15 Profit Accumulator TCB £1.05 - £1.05
16 The Best Free Spins OMD £1 - £1
17 Free Spins Wizard OMD £1 - £1
18 Pick My Postcode TCB £0.82 - £0.82
19 Search Lotto TCB £0.82 - 0.82
20 Free Spins Loopy OMD £0.80 - £0.80
21 Mr Free Slots OMD £0.80 - £0.80
22 Lotto Social TCB £0.60 - £0.60
23 FreeBingoGenie OMD £0.60 - £0.60
24 Cheeky Bingo OMD £10 £10 -
25 bgo OMD £10 £10 -
If you complete all these offers then you should make £232.55 cashback in profit through the offers alone. If you are new to the cashback sites and sign up through referral links then this will be £244.55 instead. There's also a chance you can make a profit on any or all the offers and walk away with even more.
There's also a final few key points:
  • Make sure you have all adblockers and tracking protection switched off as otherwise this may lead to issues with the cashback tracking correctly.
  • I've listed the highest paying in terms of deposit/wager to cashback offers here, but if you have a preference for one cashback site over the other then they often offer very similar amounts if you'd rather go with the other instead.
  • Similarly, some sites (OhMyDosh in particular) offer a lower cashback amount but also a lower deposit/wager amount, which may be more appealing to some.
  • I don't like to say the cashback is guaranteed as all the cashback sites say it never is, but I've never had an issue with any of these sites, whether through gambling or other offers.
  • Please be aware that these all these offers all are gambling, so I'd highly recommend depositing and wagering only the mimimum amount required to get the cashback, then withdrawing any profit you may have made.
  • Please Be Gamble Aware when using these sites.
Let me know if you have any questions about any of these offers :)
submitted by pKYmlCo70Iyn9D0q38L1 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

(SELLING) Lots of codes for MA + Vudu + GooglePlay + iTunes. Lots of Collection Sets added. New list of iTunes added - 4K Disney + 4K Marvel + 4K Pixar. Plus more, see entire list.

Venmo / CashApp / PP Friends Family
All codes verified seconds before sending your way
Side notes:
Special -
i4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + The Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - iTunes $20
DISNEY+ 6-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION - $25 *This is for new accounts only. If you wanna test the waters and give Disney+ a chance, this is great. More than x1 available.
Toy Story 1-4 - GooglePlay $18
Tremors 6-Movie Collection - MA $45 (x3 sets available but only one is priced at $45) * $5 more to add Part 7
FORTNITE Xbox One code - I have been approved in the past to sell these and have sold multiple bundles of this. I have another bundle available. This will be verified on Microsoft/Xbox right before sending to you.
Dark Vertex Skin + 500 V-Bucks - $100 — Exclusive Skin for Xbox One
Collection Sets + TV Shows
007 Daniel Craig 3-Movie - Casino Royale + Quantum of Solace + Skyfall - Vudu $15
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - MA $15
4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - MA $20
i4K Alfred Hitchcock 4-Movie - Vertigo + Birds + Rear Window + Psycho - iTunes $20
Annabelle 3-Movie - MA $22
4K Apocalypse Now 3-Movie - Final Cut + 1979 Original + Redux - 4K Vudu or i4K $15
Ash vs Evil Dead - Complete Series - Vudu $20
Batman Complete Animated Series + x2 Bonus Movies - Vudu $40
Big Little Lies - S1 - GooglePlay $8
Bug’s Bunny 80th Anniversary Complete Collection * Lot’s available but check Vudu, currently on sale for $39.99
Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - Vudu $10
i4K Daddy’s Home 1 + 2 - iTunes $12
i4K Despicable Me 1-3 - iTunes $15
Divergent 3-Movie - Vudu $15
Eddie Murphy 4-Movie - MA or Vudu $15 (possibly SD)
Entourage - Complete Series - GooglePlay $25
4K Fast and the Furious 8-Movie - MA $45
Fifty Shades of Grey 3-Movie - MA $15
Game of Thrones - Season 1-7 - GooglePlay $40
Game of Thrones - Complete Series - iTunes $55 - Note: I have many available and you could get 1 code or 8 codes.
Game of Thrones - Complete Series - Vudu $55 - 1 code or 8 codes
Hannibal - Complete Series - Vudu $20
Hobbit Trilogy - Extended Set ONLY - HD MA $25
4K Hobbit Trilogy - Theatrical and Extended - 4K MA $45
Hotel Transylvania 3-Movie - SD MA $12
i4K Iron Man Trilogy - iTunes $35
Jack Reacher 1 + 2 - Vudu $9
i4K Jack Ryan 5-Movie - Hunt for Red Oct + Patriot Games + Clear and Present Danger + Sum of All Fears + Shadow Recruit - iTunes $35
Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $25
4K Jurassic Park 5-Movie - MA $40
i4K Kingsman 1 + 2 - iTunes $14
Leprechaun 8-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Lord of the Rings - Theatrical + Extended - 4K MA $
Mama Mia! 2-Movie - MA $7
Maze Runner Trilogy - MA $20
The Mummy Trilogy - MA $10
The Mummy Ultimate 4-Movie Collection - Mummy 1-3 + Scorpion King - MA $15
Outlander - S1 V1 + S1 V2 + S2 + S3 - Vudu $50
i4K Pet Sematary 1989 + 2019 - iTunes $14
i4K Planet of the Apes 3-Movie - Rise + Dawn + War - iTunes $20
Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $20
4K Rambo 5-Movie - Vudu $25
Rick and Morty S3 - Vudu $9
i4K Santa Clause Trilogy - iTunes $12
Saw Collection - Vudu $12
Scorpion King Collection - PART 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 - MA $16 — $5 each if purchase separately
Secret Life of Pets 1 + 2 - MA $12
The Smurfs 3-Movie - 1 + 2 + Lost Village - MA $17
The Sopranos - Complete Series - GooglePlay $30
Spider-Man 3-Movie (sam raimi) - Spider-Man 1-3 + Ex 2 + Editor’s Cut 3 - MA $20
Spider-Man 4-Movie - Homecoming + Into The Spider-Verse + Far From Home + Venom - MA $25
Star Trek 10-Movie Universe Collection - All x10 original films - Vudu $50
i4K Star Trek Kelvin Timeline Trilogy - iTunes $20
Star Wars Complete SAGA Collection - All x9 films + Rogue One + Solo - GooglePlay $55
Supernatural Season 10 - Vudu $8 (possibly SD)
Supernatural Season 11 - V
Supernatural Season 12 - V $10
Supernatural Season 13 - V $12
Toy Story 1-4 - GooglePlay $18
i4K Toy Story 1-4 - iTunes $35
Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - Vudu $15
i4K Transformers 6-Movie - 1-5 + Bumblebee - iTunes $35
Tremors 7-Movie - Complete sci-fi creature comedy collection - MA $50
True Blood - Complete Series - GooglePlay $35
True Blood - Complete Series - iTunes $40
Twilight Complete Saga Collection - Vudu $25
Universal Monsters 6-Movie - MA $25
Vice Principals - Complete Series - iTunes $25
4K Aquaman $8
4K Birds of Prey $8
4K Charlie’s Angels $8
4K Deadpool 2 - SDC $8
4K Despicable Me 3 $5
4K Goonies $8
4K Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle $8
4K LEGO Movie $7
4K Mad Max - Fury Road $8
4K Midway $8
4K Meg, The $9
4K Men In Black International $9
4K Mortal Kombat Legends - Scorpion’s Revenge $9
4K Pacific Rim $9
4K Parasite $9
4K Rampage $10
4K Scoob! $8
4K Venom $9
HDX Vudu — $6 each or marked price
2 Guns
Annihilation $4
August Osage County $4
Book Club $3
Call of the Wild
Crawl $5
Dallas Buyers Club $4
Death Of Me - 2020
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 2 $3
Despicable Me 3 $3
Divergent 1 $5
Divergent 2 - Insurgent $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Ex Machina $7
Expendables 2 $3
Fighter, The
Ghost in the Shell - 2017 $5
G.I. Joe Retaliation $5
Girl on the Train - $5
Gods of Egypt
Gone Baby Gone
Grace Unplugged $5
Hercules - rock
Hugo $5
Hunger Games 1 $3
Hunger Games 2 - Catching Fire $3
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 1 $3
I Am Wraith $5
Last Witch Hunter
Legend of Hercules - 2014 $5
Magnificent Seven
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $3
MI5 - Rogue Nation $3
MI6 - Fallout $3
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mummy - tom cruise - $4
My Little Pony - Movie
Oblivion $5
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Red 2 $4
Serenity - 2005 $5
Single Moms Club $5
Split $5
Star Trek Beyond $4
Star Trek Into Darkness $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $4
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $3
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $3
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $3
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $4
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Unbroken - 2014
Uncle Drew
Vivarium $7
Warm Bodies $5
Winchester $7
World War Z
XXX Return of Xander Cage
HD MA — $7 each or marked price
1917 $6
5th Wave $6
A Dog’s Way Home
A Good Day To Die Hard - Extended $5
American Sniper $5
Argo $4
Artist, The $6
A Star Is Born
Blockers - 2018
Book of Life
The Call $5
Crazy Rich Asians $5
Deadpool 1 $5
Deadpool 2 - SDC $5
Doom Annihilation - $8
Drive - 2011 $6
Fast Five $3
Fast and Furious 6 $3
Fate of the Furious 8 $3
Final Destination 5 $5
Furious 7 $3
Gallows $5
Game Night
Get Smart
Godzilla - 2014
Good Boys
Gravity $5
Green Lantern + Emerald Knights $8
Grudge Match $5
Hangover 2 $5
Hidden Figures
Hobbit 1 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 1 - Ex $9
Hobbit 2 - Theatrical $6
Hobbit 2 - Ex $9
Hobbit 3 - Ex $9
Horrible Bosses $5
House with a Clock in its Walls $6
Huntsman - Winter’s War - Ex $5
Isle of Dogs $6
Jack and the Giant Slayer
Jackie - 2016
Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle
Jurassic Park 3 $5
Jurassic World $4
Just Mercy
Justice League Doom
Justice League Throne of Atlantis
Justice League vs Teen Titans $8
Kidnap $6
King Kong - from Ultimate Edition set
King of Staten Island
Kong Skull Island
LEGO Batman Movie $6
LEGO Movie - Second Part $10
Les Miserables
Little Stranger
Live. Die. Repeat. / Edge of Tomorrow
Longest Ride $5
Lucky One
Man Of Steel
Max $5
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Murder on the Orient Express
Other Side of the Door $9
Parasite $6
Pacific Rim 2 - Uprising
Pitch Perfect 3 $6
Queen and Slim $8
Ready Player One
Rio 2
Rise of the Guardians
Searching $9
Slender Man
Smurfs - Lost Village $5
Sorry To Bother You $8
Skyscraper $6
Superman Unbound
Storks $6
Taken 2 $5
Ted 1 $5
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies
Teen Titans Judas Contract
Terminator 4 - Salvation
Tremors 6 - A Cold Day In Hell
Truth or Dare?
Turning $11
Us $6
Warcraft $5
Wrath of the Titans
HD iTunes — $6 or less
2 Guns $6
Aliens - part 2 $6
Bad Grandpa $5
Cult Of Chucky $5
Dallas Buyers Club $4
Death of Me - 2020
Dreamgirls $5
Fast Five $3
Fifty Shades Of Grey - Unrated $4
Fifty Shades Darker - Unrated $4
Fighter $5
Flight $5
Home Alone 2 - Lost In New York $5
Hugo $5
I Feel Pretty $5
Killer Elite $5
Mama $5
My Little Pony - Movie $5
Noah - 2014 $5
Pain and Gain $6
Second Act $5
Sisters - Unrated $5
SpongeBob Movie - Sponge Out Of Water $6
Ted 1 $5
Unbroken - 2014 $6
Vivarium $6
Winchester $5
World War Z $6
i4K titles - 4K iTunes titles are $6 or less
47 Ronin $6
007 Quantum of Solace $5
2 Fast 2 Furious $5
Addams Family - 2019
Alvin and the Chipmunks - Road Chip $6
Annihilation $5
A Quiet Place $5
Arrival $6
Book Club $3
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes $6
Deadpool 1 $6
Deepwater Horizon $5
Despicable Me 3 $5
Dora and the Lost City of Gold $6
Ender’s Game $6
Expendables 2 $5
Fast and Furious 6 $5
Fate of the Furious 8 $4
Fences $6
Furious 7 $5
Ghost in the Shell - 2017 $6
G.I. Joe Retaliation $6
Girl on the Train $5
Hercules - rock $6
Hidden Figures $6
Hitman’s Bodyguard $6
Home Alone 1 $6
Hunger Games 1 $5
Hunger Games Mockingjay 1 $5
Instant Family $5
Interstellar $6
Jackie - 2016 $5
Jack Reacher 1 $5
Jexi $6
John Wick 1 $6
John Wick 2 $6
Let’s Be Cops $5
Longest Ride $5
MI4 - Ghost Protocol $5
MI5 - Rogue Nation $5
MI6 - Fallout $5
Mountain Between Us $6
Night at the Museum 3 - SOTT $5
Oblivion $6
Overlord $6
Pet Sematary - 1989 $6
Pitch Perfect $5
Playing With Fire $5
Rambo - Last Blood $6
Revenant $6
Robin Hood - 2018 $6
Secret Life of Pets 1 $6
Serenity - 2005 $6
Sherlock Gnomes $5
Sicario 1 $6
Sing $5
Sonic the Hedgehog $6
Split $6
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 2014 $5
Terminator 2 - Judgement Day $6
Terminator 5 - Genisys $5
Terminator 6 - Dark Fate $5
Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon $4
Transformers 4 - Age Of Extinction $4
Transformers 5 - Last Knight $4
Transformers 6 - Bumblebee $5
Twilight Breaking Dawn 2 $3
Uglydolls $6
Uncle Drew $6
War for the Planet of the Apes $6
Warm Bodies $6
Wonder Park $5
X-Men Apocalypse $6
X-Men Days of Future Past $6
X-Men Logan $6
XXX Return of Xander Cage $5
4K iTunes - Redeem directly in your iTunes account (HD titles are marked with ***)
101 Dalmatians - 1961 *** $6
Aladdin - 2019 $6
Aladdin - Animated *** $7 (possibly 4K)
Ant-Man $7
Ant-Man and the Wasp $7
Avengers 2 - Age of Ultron $7
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $5
Avengers 4 - Endgame $5
A Wrinkle in Time $5
Bambi 2 *** $7
Beauty and the Beast - 2017 $7
Beauty and the Beast - Animated $7
Big Hero 6 $6
Captain America - Civil War $8
Captain Marvel $5
Cars 2 $7
Cars 3 $7
Cinderella - 1950 *** $7
Cinderella - 2015 $7
Coco $5
DisneyNature - Born In China *** $6
Doctor Strange $7
Finding Dory $5
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 2 *** $7
Frozen $5
Frozen 2 $6
Good Dinosaur $6
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 $7
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $5
Hercules - 1997 *** $7
Incredibles 1 $7
Incredibles 2 $5
Into the Woods *** $6
Iron Man 3 $7
Jungle Book - 2016 $6
Jungle Book 2 *** $8
Lady and the Tramp 1 *** $7
Lady and the Tramp 2 *** $7
Lilo and Stitch 2 - Stitch Has A Glitch *** $8
Lion King - 2019 $6
Lion King - Animated $7
Little Mermaid 1 $7
Lone Ranger *** $7
Maleficent 1 $7
Moana $7
Monsters, Inc. $8
Monsters University $8
Mulan 2 *** $7
Peter Pan - 1953 *** $8
Peter Pan 2 - Return To Neverland *** $8
Pete’s Dragon - 2016 *** $8
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales $6
Planes *** $7
Planes 2 - Fire and Rescue *** $7
Queen of Katwe *** $6
Ralph Breaks The Internet $6
Robin Hood - 1958 *** $6
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $4
Sleeping Beauty - 1959 *** $6
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs *** $7
Solo - A Star Wars Story $7
Star Wars 7 - Force Awakens $5
Star Wars 8 - Last Jedi $5
Thor 2 - Dark World $7
Thor 3 - Ragnarok $7
Three Musketeers - Mickey + Donald + Goofy *** $7
Toy Story 1 $7
Toy Story 3 $7
Wall-E $8
GooglePlay HD — Redeem directly in GooglePlay — $5 each or marked price
Aladdin - 1992
Aladdin - 2019
Aladdin 2 $7
Aladdin 3 $7
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ant-Man $6
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Aristocats $8
Avengers 1
Avengers 2 - Age Of Ultron
Avengers 3 - Infinity War $4
Avengers 4 - Endgame $4
A Wrinkle In Time
Bambi 2
Beauty and the Beast - Animated
Beauty and the Beast - 2017
Black Panther $4
Bolt $8
Call of the Wild
Captain America - Civil War
Captain America - First Avenger
Captain Marvel $4
Cars 1
Cars 2
Cars 3
Christopher Robin
Cinderella - 2015
Disney Nature - Born In China
Doctor Strange
Dumbo - 2019
Dumbo - Animated $8
Finding Dory $3
Finding Nemo $7
Fox and the Hound 1
Fox and the Hound 2
Frozen 1
Frozen 2
Good Dinosaur
Guardians of the Galaxy V1
Guardians of the Galaxy V2 $3
Hercules - 1997 $8
Hocus Pocus
Incredibles 2
Inside Out
Iron Man 3
Jungle Book - 2016
Lady and the Tramp 1
Lilo and Stitch 1 $8
Lilo and Stitch 2 $8
Lion King - 2019
Lion King - Animated $8
Little Mermaid 2
Little Mermaid 3
Maleficent 1
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh $8
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins Returns
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Million Dollar Arm
Monsters University $7
Mulan 1
Mulan 2
Nightmare Before Christmas
Nutcracker and the Four Realms $4
Onward $6
Peter Pan 1 $7
Pete’s Dragon - 2016
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men Tell No Tales
Planes 1
Pocahontas 1 $7
Pocahontas 2 $7
Princess and the Frog $6
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Robin Hood - Animated $7
Rogue One - A Star Wars Story $3
Santa Clause Trilogy $10
Sleeping Beauty $7
Spies in Disguise $8
Sword in the Stone $7
Tangled $7
Thor 2 - Dark World
Thor 3 - Ragnarok
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 4
Up $7
Wall-E $8
Winnie the Pooh - A Very Merry Christmas $6
Wreck-It Ralph $7
SD titles — $3 each or marked price — iTunes titles do not have quality shown on slip, assume SD
Adventures of Tintin - iTunes
All Star Superman - iTunes
Alpha - MA
Angry Birds Movie 2 - MA
Appaloosa - iTunes
Arthur Christmas - MA
Call Me By Your Name - MA
Chappie - MA
Cowboys and Aliens - iTunes
Bad Boys For Life
Brave - iTunes
Due Date - iTunes
Equalizer 2 - MA
Fast and the Furious 1 - iTunes $3
2 Fast 2 Furious - iTunes $3
Fast and the Furious 3 - Tokyo Drift $3
Fury - MA
Gran Torino - iTunes
Hall Pass - iTunes
Hangover 1 - iTunes
Heaven Is For Real - MA
Hotel Transylvania 2 - MA
Interview - MA
Jake and the Never Land Pirates - Peter Pan Returns!
Jonah Hex - iTunes
Miss Bala - MA
Paul - iTunes
Perfect Guy - MA
Rambo - 2008 - iTunes
Roman J. Israel, Esq - MA
Sausage Party - MA
Season of the Witch - iTunes
Sicario 2 - Day of the Soldado - MA
Slender Man - MA
Star Trek 1 - iTunes
Taken 1 - iTunes
Up - iTunes
Other stuff
2 Guns - CA iTunes $4
Bate’s Motel - Season 1-3 - $35 - this is for Vudu UK accounts only
Book Of Life - CA GP $4
Call of the Wild - MA $5
Equilibrium - GP $9
Guardians of the Galaxy V1 (6FV4) - $6 MA
Hunger Games - Mockingjay 2 - GP $3
The Thing - 2011 - CA GP $4
X-Men Origins Wolverine - CA GP $4
submitted by Mafnas22 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

New to online Slots? - Starter guide/tips for newbies playing online slots

Okay so I decided to create this guide with the hopes of it becoming a sticky thread for all newbies to the online slots world, to read as we deal with the same topics repeatedly and the same answers/advice are given repeatedly. Not that we do not want to help, but these would prevent you from getting into situations before its too late, or blaming casinos when you were in the wrong.
Signing up or Registration
Registration – Please carefully read the general terms and conditions about every "Right" the casino has and please note that you accepted these terms upon signing up, which means you are saying you are okay with it and agree with what the casino state about what they can and cannot do.
Claiming Bonuses
Read the bonus terms carefully before claiming any bonuses and look for the following pointers when reading the bonuses rules:
There are other bonus terms that I have not mentioned but I think the above ones are the most important as these could affect you in terms of confiscation of your winnings should you breach any of them.
This is pretty much standard for a casino to ask for some form of Identification, proof of address and proof of deposit when requesting a withdrawal. Depending on the amount win, some casinos might not need documents, however when a substantial amount has been won additional verification or security checks might be done which means a longer withdrawal time frame. Verification or KYC is necessary, however I feel when casinos ask for selfies with your ID next to you etc. in my opinion is just ridiculous. Also, I have noticed some casinos requesting your source of income to see where you get the money to make deposits etc. This seems standard and you would need to do it to get your withdrawal, however all of us have different opinions about this verification procedure.
Many casinos have different withdrawal time frames and when you accept the general terms and conditions you have to a abide by them, by this I mean stop being impatient and complain that the casinos withdrawal time frames are the worst etc. As you knew this before you started playing provided you have read the terms and condition. You decided to deposit and play so then wait for your money, eventually it will come unless you breached some rule, or the casino is a rogue casino.
Here are some of the tips you should note when it comes to withdrawals at casinos:
Self-Exclusion is a big thing these days and most cases substantial amounts are involved that are being confiscated. There are at times very little that us forum members or even AskGamblers can do when a player self-excluded and played at a sister website or similar, as we know the result and of course the house is kind of right. However, I think it's bad that a casino only realizes the self-exclusion portion on a player profile once it reaches withdrawal stage, because I feel they should have something in place that can detect that you self-excluded upon registration or before you even make your first deposit. People with gambling problems tend to self-exclude but the alternative is to read this guide - . My advice is to keep your casino account open and do not play there anymore, because even if you request a permanent account closure, some casinos tend to self-exclude you without you knowing it and this would cause problems in future since you opened another account at their sister website or something.
submitted by Sea_Yogurtcloset_752 to bestcasinoscanada [link] [comments]

Gambling Addiction and Depression Debt Advice

Hi All,
Throwaway account and intentionally vague on some facts because I know a fair few people who frequent reddit.
I find myself in quite a quandary and feel as though 2021 is the year to sort things out. Looking for any sort of constructive advice. Not really sure how to structure this, so forgive me if it doesn't really make any sense.
Generally speaking when it comes to other peoples personal finances, I'm fairly switched on and can provide what I'd like to consider reasonable advice. My own situation, however, goes beyond what I'd deem to be 'normal' and involves a long-hidden gambling addiction coupled with depression.
I'm 31 and work what is considered a reasonably well paid job in the UK. I earn £38,000 base + £6,000 - £12,000 in bonuses/commissions p/a gross. Currently living with a relative and paying £200 rent + personal food expenses. No travel costs for work currently.
My gambling started the very day I turned 18 and has continued ever since. It has led me down a dark path and I find myself owing a total of almost £30k. At this stage I feel very much ready to leave this horrendous portion of my life behind, but the debt is dragging me back to it in distant hope of that illusive 'life changing win'. Breakdown of debts as follows:
£12k Bank Loans - 13-18% APR
14k Credit Cards - 18.7 - 25.6% APR
4k Bank Overdrafts
I've managed to make all minimum payments until very recently. The last 6 months have seen an extraordinarily large amount of money lost to online casinos which has disrupted payment schedules somewhat. I'm behind on a couple of credit cards and one loan. Should be able to bring everything back up to speed when I get paid at the end of this month.
Moving on to the next element of my problem. A family member has £50k set aside for me and is waiting for me to decide I'm ready to buy a house to dispense it. Do I let the family member know about my problems, collect the cash, pay off the £30k and continue forward with the £20k extra and save more for a deposit? It seems like a sensible option as it would prevent further damage to my credit score and huge interest costs.
If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Swallow your pride and ask for help? Or weather the storm over the next year or two, continue living with a family member and pretend nothing is wrong? Should I be going to my creditors offering them a fixed settlement sum?
Any help much appreciated. As you can probably tell, I'm feeling pretty lost and alone.
submitted by Specialist-Bullfrog3 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

Admiral Casino - 10 Free Spins

10 FREE SPINSEarn 50 more!The Mega Monthly Madness Free Spin Stacker - Earn up to 60 FREE SPINS!
Not only have you been rewarded with 10 EXCLUSIVE FREE SPINS - But we're also giving you the chance to earn up to 50 FREE SPINS more.
Click here to play your 10 FREE SPINS, then each time you stake £25 on Dolphin's Pearl Deluxe, we'll reward you with another 10 FREE SPINS – up to a maximum of 50 FREE SPINS.
You can stack up to 50 additional free spins using your mobile, tablet or PC from 01/02/2021 until 23:59 on 04/02/2021.
\x1 wagering requirements (on selected slots) apply to free spin winnings – additional free spins credited within 24 hours of the promotional end time.*
How to use your free spins:
How to qualify for additional free spins:
10 Free Spins – Terms & conditions
  1. You have been awarded with 10 free spins. These free spins are redeemable on the following slot game only: Dolphin's Pearl Deluxe, and must 'opt in' to this promotion via the 'opt in' button displayed on the promotional page in order to qualify.
  2. Once you have opted in to the promotion, to claim your free spins, you will need to launch the slot game outlined in term 1 from the main ‘PLAY’ button located on the dedicated promotion page for this offer.
  3. Once you have launched the slot game outlined in term 1 via the main ‘PLAY’ button located on the dedicated promotion page for this offer, you will then be given the option to either ‘’accept’’ or ‘’decline’’ the free spins. Your free spins can only be accepted on the slot game outlined in term 1.
  4. Free spins must be claimed before 23:59 on 04/02/2021.
  5. Once accepted, the Free Spins must be used within 3 days.
  6. Once free spins have been used, the promotional banner will remain visible onsite until 23:59 on 04/02/2021.
  7. One ‘’10 free spins’’ promotion per customer.
  8. Free spins will be set to the maximum amount of win lines, meaning each free spin will hold an individual value of 10p.
  9. Any winnings accumulated from your free spins will be credited as a reward, which will hold x1 wagering requirements.
  10. Any amounts stated in Pound Sterling will have equal value in Euros unless otherwise stated.
  11. In the event that you already have an active reward on your account, your free spin reward will be queued whilst prior rewards are either converted to cash, expire or are forfeited.
  12. This free spin reward will queue for a maximum of 3 days before it expires. Once expired, any rewards associated with this offer will be forfeited.
  13. Once your reward is active (i.e. not queued whilst prior rewards are either converted to cash, expire or are forfeited), it will expire after 24 hours and any unconverted rewards associated with this promotion will be forfeited after this time.
How to qualify for additional free spins:
  1. Staking requirement for this offer is valid from 00:01 01/02/2021 until 23:59 on 04/02/2021, and must 'opt in' to this promotion via the 'opt in' button displayed on the promotional page in order to qualify.
  2. To qualify, during the promotional period (outlined in term 14) you will be rewarded with 10 x free spins each time you stake £25 on Dolphin's Pearl Deluxe. This can be achieved a maximum of 5 times, meaning the maximum amount of free spins that will be rewarded per customer is 50.
  3. For example, if you staked £25 on the slot game stipulated in term 15 between 00:01 01/02/2021 until 23:59 on 04/02/2021, you would be rewarded with 10 x free spins.
  4. Depending on the amount that you stake during the promotional period (minimum of £25 to qualify for minimum amount of 10 x free spins) your free spins will be redeemable on the following slot game: Dolphin's Pearl Deluxe.
  5. Free spins will be credited within 24 hours of the promotion end time, and customers will be notified by email and/or an onsite banner depending on the customers marketing preference.
  6. One free spins reward will be credited per qualifying customer (minimum of 10 x free spins per customer, maximum of 50 x free spins per customer).
  7. Gambling is for entertainment, please play responsibly. You are encouraged not to stake beyond your usual limits in order to chase additional free spin rewards.
  8. To claim your free spins, you will need to launch the slot game outlined in term 17.
  9. Once you have launched the slot game outlined in term 17, you will then be given the option to either ‘’accept’’ or ‘’decline’’ the free spins. Your free spins can only be accepted on the slot game outlined in term 17.
  10. Once the free spins have been accepted on a specific game, they will be non-transferable.
  11. Additional free spins must be accepted within 24 hours of them being credited. Once accepted, the free spins must be used within 3 days.
  12. Free spins will be set to the maximum amount of win lines, meaning each free spin will hold an individual value of 10p.
  13. Any winnings accumulated from your free spins will be credited as a reward which will hold x1 wagering requirements.
  14. Any amounts stated in Pound Sterling will have equal value in Euros unless otherwise stated.
  15. In the event that you already have an active reward on your account, your free spin reward will be queued whilst prior rewards are either converted to cash, expire or are forfeited.
  16. This free spin reward will queue for a maximum of 3 days before it expires. Once expired, any rewards associated with this offer will be forfeited.
  17. Once your reward is active (i.e. not queued whilst prior rewards are either converted to cash, expire or are forfeited), it will expire after 24 hours and any unconverted rewards associated with this promotion will be forfeited after this time.
Wagering Requirements
  1. Rewards are non-playable and will convert to cash as you progress through the wagering requirements.
  2. The wagering requirement for this promotion is x1. For example: If you have a £6 reward, you will need to wager £6 to convert your reward to cash.
  3. If your reward is greater than £10, it will convert to cash in increments of £10. For example: If you have a £16 reward, wagering £10 will convert £10 of the reward to cash, leaving you with £6. Then wagering a further £6 will convert the remaining £6 to cash.
  4. Not all games contribute towards the wagering requirement at the same rate. Below is an illustration of the contribution across all game types: Slots* (unless stated otherwise) - 100% contribution *The following slot games will contribute 50% towards the wagering requirements: Black Knight, Cash Stax™, Dr. Jekyll Goes Wild, Hercules™ High & Mighty, Jack Hammer 2™: Fishy Business, Mighty Black Knight, Monopoly On the Money, Pearl of the Caribbean, Rainbow Riches Drops of Gold, Rainbow Riches Fortune Favours™, Rainbow Riches Home Sweet Home, Rainbow Riches Leprechaun's Gold, Rainbow Riches Pick 'n' Mix, Rainbow Riches Reels of Gold, Red Hot Wild and Wild West. Scratchcard & Arcade - 100% contribution Roulette games (including Live Casino) - 20% contribution (For example, every £1 staked will contribute £0.20 (20%) towards the wagering requirement). Poker Variants & Dice games (All Live Casino & RNG) - 20% contribution. Live Game Show games - 20% contribution. Blackjack, Baccarat & Video Poker (All Live Casino & RNG) - 10% contribution.
  5. Your wagering progression will be clearly demonstrated within your reward page whilst the reward is active. This will also indicate how much wagering is required to convert each £10 increment to cash.
submitted by CFDDCFC3 to winemoneyuk [link] [comments]

Casino Dome 21 Exclusive Free Spins Bonus on Registration!

Casino Dome 21 Exclusive Free Spins Bonus on Registration!

Casino Dome Review
Join Casino Dome and take advantage of our exclusive welcome bonus on deposit! Claim 21 free spins and 100% up to 200 EUUSD/NZD/CAD. This promotion doesn't require bonus codes. Play and win real money.
>> Click Here For Bonuses <<

Welcome to Casino Dome

Ready for take-off! The acclaimed casino group Genesis Global Ltd has added Casino Dome to its growing portfolio of modern online gaming destinations. Enter The Dome, a sleek and futuristic utopia of casino gambling filled with 1,300 slots and table games from top providers. All combined with dozens of live dealer games, big bonuses, 24/7 support and timely payments.
Launched in December 2020, Casino Dome is owned and operated by Genesis Global Ltd. and sister site to about a dozen other group brands such as Spinit, CasinoLab and Vegas Hero. All under a trio of solid licenses from the MGA Malta, the Swedish Spelinspektionen and the UK Gambling Commission. These are currently the most stringent any online casino can acquire, ensuring fair games while adhering to strict Responsible Gambling regulations.

Our Take

Throughout the last years, Genesis Global has been on a rapid expansion course, officially surpassing a dozen brands at the start of 2020. Casino Dome will be the final launch for this rather turbulent year, aiming to entice players with a modern gaming site that works equally well on desktop, tablet and mobile devices across all OS platforms. Reason enough to take a closer look as to what you can expect at The Dome.


Players who have already an account at any of the sister brands will find a familiar site layout, which might seem uninspiring at first, but it helps to feel at home after a few clicks so to speak. Newcomers will like the mobile-optimized structure that makes navigating the site with ease. The registration is done the common group form and can be completed quickly in a few steps. As usual, we highly recommend completing the KYC verification at your earliest convenience to avoid any potential delays with withdrawals as the group is known for its strict adherence to the procedure.
>> Click Here For Bonuses <<

Slot and table games

Just like its sister brands in the Genesis Global Group, Casino Dome offers an extensive range of slot and table games exceeding 1,300 titles, although some might be restricted in certain jurisdictions. The major developers such as Netent, Play’n GO, Microgaming, Big Time Gaming, Relax Gaming, Quickspin and Yggdrasil form the basis of the portfolio while providers like Skywind, Fantasma, 4ThePlayer or Foxium are adding more flavour to the mix. The Live Casino games are powered by Evolution Gaming.

Welcome package

The soon you are ready for your first deposit, you will discover a generous welcome package that includes a large match bonus and additional spins (subject to change). Wagering requirements apply to all bonus offers subject to the Casino Dome bonus terms, always read them in full as the group is strictly enforcing them. As with all brands from this group, Neteller and Skrill deposits are excluded from the welcome package but are allowed for reload bonuses and other promotional offers.
>> Click Here For Bonuses <<

Payment methods

A truly extensive list of payment methods ranging from credit cards (restricted for UK players), debit cards and instant bank transfers to e-wallets, pay-by-phone and prepaid solutions will make depositing and withdrawals a breeze. Beware though that some methods are country-specific and might not be available at your location. All available methods will be displayed once you enter the banking lobby. As for withdrawals, Casino Dome is processing payments daily and that 24/7 including weekends and public holidays. They might not the fastest paying casino group and are known to stall at times but are still in an acceptable time frame of usually no longer than 24 hours. We missed a lock function that would allow players to lock pending cashouts until they are processed.

Loyalty program

Currently, Casino Dome does not have a loyalty program where all players can earn extra rewards or level up. However, they do offer a VIP club with little information on what the requirements are to be invited or admitted to the exclusive circle. It promises added benefits such as Premium Customer Service, Personalized Email Support, Exclusive Weekend Promotions, Birthday Bonus, Welcome, Anniversary and Special Gifts, Personal Cashback Offers, Exclusive Bonus Plans and even flights to Las Vegas. We recommend you to contact their customer support if your deposit level would need special attention or if you are already a VIP member at other casinos.
>> Click Here For Bonuses <<


Need help? Casino Dome offers customer support via phone, email and Live Chat. However, the latter is not open 24/7. Currently, the site is available in English language only. We expect them to add others in the near future and will update this review the soon we have the confirmation.

Play responsibly

Responsible Gambling is an integral part of Casino Dome’s mission to provide not just the best possible entertainment but maximum protection for players who might need to control their spending. A vast choice of daily, weekly or monthly restrictions can be self-set by the players for deposits, wager amounts, losses and session that will help them to limit their gaming. Also available are cool-off periods of up to six weeks and self-exclusion of a minimum of six months. For UK players, Genesis Global Ltd. is participating in the GAMSTOP program.
>> Click Here For Bonuses <<
submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] NES Minis, Games for Nintendo and Sony Systems, Gaming Collectibles [W] Kirby's Dream Land 2 CIB, Etrian Odyssey Nexus cart only, Mario Party 2 box, many more games in list

Looking to trade! I have over 100 confirmed trades :) Right now I am mostly looking for the wants I have listed below, especially the high priority stuff, but I may be open to offers. Just please do not be offended if I say no!
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.
p.p.s. If we are going to trade, all I ask is please be honest about the condition of your items. I can provide pictures for anything I have, please be willing to do the same! Thanks!


Mini Consoles
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
N64 booklets
3DS consoles, games, accessories
3DS boxes and manuals (no games)
DS console, games and accessories
DS boxes and manuals (no games)
GBA games and videos
GBC games and more
GB games and more
GB manuals (no games)
Wii U games
Wii games and accessories
NES games and accessories
PSX boxes and manuals (no games)
Nintendo Power magazines
I have the following issues available, please inquire about condition because none of them are mint: 27, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 39, 42, 46, 49, 50, 51, 86,
Strategy guides
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff:
Nintendo Power issues - I am close to completing my set, I need the following issues:
Lower priority:
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Retail Switch Games
3DS Games
DS Games
Game Boy
Wii U Games
(lots more games, I have a long list for Wii U, just show me what you have)
Wii Games
GameCube games
PS2 Games
PS3 Games
Strategy Guides
Also if you've read this far, I recently started an Instagram dedicated to video game collecting and would love to connect with others! My username is chillcollector.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]



It seems this pandemic we have been hit with has had a big effect not only in our health but also with our jobs and income, With lots of us now looking at how to make money online and in particular ways to make money at home. Learning how to make extra money online is more important than ever seeing as lots of people, Me included still are not that keen on leaving the house.
Would you like to know how to make extra money online and earn an extra £500 per month on top of your normal wage?
If you are looking for ways to make money at home and in particular how to make money online then this is the post for you.
All of these methods I have used personally and I have always made money from them.
It seems weird writing 2021 but after the year everyone on earth has had in 2020 I think everyone is looking forward to moving ahead. What better way to move ahead than to take on new ways to make money at home and in particular an extra £500 per month on top of your normal wage.
Some of my posts may contain affiliate links. This simply means if you purchase something after clicking one of the links I may receive a commission at no extra cost to yourself. Many thanks for the continued support.
So without further ado lets jump in and see how we are going to go about making that extra money online.
I have said this before but putting it simply Matched Betting is the number one when it comes to the easiest way to make money at home. If you are not making extra money online by using Matched Betting then you are missing out on some serious extra cash.
Matched betting is the action of placing a for and against bet on a football team or other sport and using this to gain the bookmaker bonuses. It is 100% legal and is netting some people up to £1500 Per month. When looking around for how to make money online this comes top of most google searches.
There is a mom I know on one of the Matched betting forums who is earning approx. £1200 per month from the comfort of her own home while her children nap.
It’s crazy and sometimes I feel people ignore this as they just think it is normal betting or it is not entirely legal but trust me it is.
If you are interested in learning a bit more then check out my guide on Matched Betting, it goes a bit more into how it works. This is my main way of how to make money at home and it has worked really well for me. I even taught a friend how to do it and he now makes around £400 extra per month in his spare time.
Or if you want to start making extra money online straight away then simply click on the banner below to get free access to Profit accumulator a site which has helped 300,000 customers by showing them how to make money online from Matched Betting.
Profit Accumulator literally walks you through each matched bet with full text and video guides to and will have you making extra money online in an hour or so. Check them out.
So if you do a search on how to make money online I’m pretty sure that Virtual assistant will be close to the top of the search options.
There is a very good reason for that. We are now living in an ever-increasing digital age and this is getting more and more common especially with the pandemic as companies are working out that it saves them money having their staff work from home.
This also means lots of businesses will need digital assistants or Virtual assistants to assist them with their day to day business needs.
So how do I start making extra money online from being a virtual assistant and what will I need to do?
A virtual assistant could do any number of tasks online such as answering and replying to emails. Creating Facebook adverts, Decluttering emails, Setting up meetings and or organizing an online diary.
There are plenty of virtual assistants who specialize in certain areas and I know of a couple of VA’s that specialize in making Pinterest pins for a blog and scheduling them out.
Assuming you have a laptop or pc and a good internet connection as well as some personal skills such as good literacy, typing skills and organizational skills then you should have the basics to get started.
Rebecca Lake over at has a great guide to getting started as a virtual assistant as she has great first-hand experience in this field. Go check it out.
Let me add before I get started that I hate eBay, Don't get me wrong I have made money with eBay and from time to time it is a good way of earning some quick cash but out of all the ways of how to make money online, this is one of my least favorites.
The reason is simply that there are lots of stupid people out there who bid for no reason or argue the item didn't arrive or is not as described and this can be annoying as well as very time-consuming.
Don’t let this put you off though as it may have just been my experience but it’s not for me. However, if you are looking to get started with ways to make money at home then this is a good a place as any.
The best place to start making extra money online with eBay is to have a clear out around the house and get together all the stuff you are probably thinking of just throwing out.
Have a search around the site and see what other people have listed these types of items for. Once you have sold your stuff you can then reinvest that money by buying some packing products off the site and then look for stuff to buy and resell.
Look around at car boot sales and thrift stores to get your bargains and then relist at a profit on eBay, Don’t forget to add the cost of your eBay fees and Paypal fees into the equation. When I first started looking at how to make money online eBay was one of the first places I came to.
Hold on, I’m not suggesting you go down to your local casino. That is not a great way to make money, In fact, your more often than not lose all of your money.
This is a cheeky way of gaining profit from the online casino bonuses offered to new customers. It works in a very similar way to Matched betting in that new bonuses are offered out to new customers and with a bit of background knowledge and trickery, you can obtain most of the profit from those bonuses without losing any money.
It might sound too good to be true but it is from the brainchild of the guys over at Profit accumulator.
Quite a lot of money earned within a day or two.
Simply sign up with Bonus Accumulator, and they will walk you through your first couple of casino offers and then you will get access to their site which includes guides for all online casino offers as well as a very good forum for members.
Sign up below and see how easy it is to make a good consistent profit. When I was learning how to make money online I didn’t have something as easy and accessible as Bonus accumulator. Hit the link below to learn more.
As with being a virtual assistant as I mentioned above, you could also specialize in one certain area if you are looking at how to make money online.
Pinterest is essentially a search engine and requires not only great titles and descriptions but also very good graphics and visuals that stand out from the crowd when your potential customers are scrolling through it on their phone.
This is where the problem lies for most bloggers or business owners, we are not overly creative and have probably not used graphics sites such as Canvas before.
Luckily I have used Canvas and have now got pretty good at it, however, in the beginning, a Pinterest VA would have been very handy. A Pinterest VA can not only create pretty pins linking back to your site or blog but also they can schedule them out for you saving you more time to concentrate on other areas.
My advice when trying to start out is to join some blogging groups on Facebook and create a profile. Then just put yourself out there. As a new VA, you could always offer out your services very cheaply just to get some experience behind you.
Kristin from Believe In A Budget has a great post here on how she became a Pinterest VA and how to make money online from learning how to do it yourself.
Making extra money online and more specifically making around £500 per month is no easy feat. Offers sites are great at making you £20 here and £30 there but to do £500 per month you will need to combine 2 or 3 of these sites and hit them hard. It is possible though. You can certainly make £250 per month easily.
When looking back at what I did when I was working out how to make money online as I found offers sites and the first one I came across was OhMyDosh.
Offers sites are basically cashback sites that reward you with cash into the account when you sign up for certain things or do simple surveys etc. It is super easy and you can very quickly in one afternoon make a cheeky £50 or so with very minimal effort on your part.
OhMyDosh is one of the easiest offers sites to navigate in my humble opinion. This makes all the difference as well when you are new to the site so I stuck with OhMyDosh for quite a while.
You can sign up here for OhMyDosh if You use my special link you will also get a £1 sign up bonus for free. A nice little start to your profit without having to lift a finger.
Pin This For Future Reference:
Swagbucks is a very similar website to OhMyDosh accept it is a little more well known. You simply complete offers and surveys in exchange for Swagbucks which when you hit a certain amount of you can exchange for gift cards etc.
It can get incredibly addictive as Swagbucks have a few daily targets for you to hit and achievements along the way. It becomes your goal to hit those achievements every day.
If you sign up using my Swagbucks Link you will receive 300 Swagbucks for free. What a great way to start towards earning your first gift card.
Swagbucks also have a chrome app button which you can install on your computer which can help you earn more each day giving you greater chances of earning some fantastic gift cards for yourself or your loved ones.
Inbox Pounds is the last site you should try in the offers sites. When It comes to making extra money online then combining the 3 offers sites I have mentioned is the best way to maximise your income. Some of the offers will be the same but just skip those and move onto the next one.
Inbox pounds also has a different variant called inbox dollars for our friends across the pond.
The easy stuff is a section that I like on Inbox pounds whereby you can go on and answer easy questions or a simple survey for between 50pence to £1.50. You will be surprised how quickly these all add up.
Dont miss out on making extra money online and earning some really quick cash, sign up using my referral code and start earning now.
Blogging is one of the top answers when searching for how to make money online. Although blogging is not a quick way to make money and it is certainly not the easiest it is one of the more rewarding ways to make money at home.
If you are starting a blog just to make money you need to know that for most people it can be more than a year before they start seeing income and for others maybe less.
It really does depend on how much effort you put into your blog. Take my blog for example. I work really long hours in my main job and a lot of the time I dont work on my blog until the weekend and then I am tired so just dont put too many hours in. It took me around a year before I started earning money.
Other people may put in 4 or 5 hours a day every day and they will progress faster. With blogging though and when it comes to making extra money online with your blog, you need a bit of patience.
If you have a passion for something then it is usually quite easy to turn this passion into a blog. It always helps if whatever you are writing about is something you really enjoy.
If this is something that sounds good to you then I have written a few blogging guides to get you started here. Starting out blogging can be a bit of a minefield so I’m hoping these guides help.
You can start your very own blog from as little as £5.99 per month.
Siteground is who I use to host this blog and I have found them really great to work with. see their link below.
Seeing as starting a blog is so cheap then there is nothing to stop you making extra money online from your new blog.
If you are always looking at how to make money online and keep seeing the same old stuff then try learning about how to get paid to become a proofreader. This is one of those great ways to make money at home by simply using your computer.
Here in the UK I occasionally read a newspaper called the daily mail. I read it via an online app and every single page I read has grammatical errors and misspellings and it drives me mad (Frantically goes back through this post to look for misspellings!!)
They clearly dont have anyone proofread their posts before they go onto the app and it makes me not read it as much. Im sure this is that same for other people.
This can lead to you losing business so paying someone to Proofread emails, documents and other such media can be valuable and companies will pay you to to do this.
Getting started Proofreading is a little harder but I would suggest setting up some profiles on sites such as People Per Hour or Upwork. You can then offer up your services cheaply which will help if you have no experience.
A lot of proofreading jobs will need you to have a degree unfortunately however there are lots of free courses online to help you get a good feel for Proofreading and can give you some background knowledge.
If you love reading and spot mistakes easily then proofreading can be a great way of making extra money online. Read this beginners guide here and see how you feel about it.
It sounds like you need to go off and get some kind of degree but trust me you don’t. You already have the gift of being able to speak perfect English and if you are looking at how to make money online then that is the skill you can use to do exactly that.
I found out about this when my wife and I were hosting foreign students at our home. We got chatting to them and one group, in particular, said that a lot of the older students already speak good English but were struggling with conversational type language and how to sound more natural which must be an incredibly hard thing to do.
They said that a lot of the students pay up to £20 per hour just to chat to you online and for you to give guidance on how they can sound more natural with their day to day chat. It sounded like a great idea of how to make money online so I got more information from them.
Lots of companies are looking for people just like you to teach their students English and to reward you well for doing just that.
It can all be done from the comfort of your own home with skype or in a zoom type meeting. Make sure to provide yourself with a quiet room and make sure there are going to be no distractions such as mobile phones going off or family members popping their heads in.
So where do you go to find out more information and start making extra money online? Well, Education First is the biggest company and one im sure you will have heard of.
You can build your own schedule although it does have to fit in somewhat with the hours the student is available. You can also teach the same student each time so you can build up a rapport and have a little fun with it.
Click the link above and learn how to make extra money online by teaching students.
With that handy website Amazon, you can write your own E-book and publish it on their site. The great thing is you dont even need to write it yourself if you dont want to as you can pay people to write it and also get people to design a cover for your E-book as well.
The best way to prepare is to do a search on what keywords are doing well on searches within amazon and then base your E-book around those. As long as you are helping people learn something or solving a problem then you should see sales quite easily.
It might help if you put your E-book up for free for a few weeks to gain some interest and some good reviews before applying a price.
This E-book right here is the perfect example. How to write an E-book and sell it on Amazon step by step guide.
Just remember you do not have to be an expert in something just a little more knowledgeable than your average Joe.
In the current economic climate, we all find ourselves in, it makes sense to look for ways of how to make money online. Freelancing with skills you already have in your day job or skills you have in your hobbies can translate quite well when it comes to making extra money online.
You can create a profile on sites such as Fiverr and Upwork and list the skills you have. You may be able to use a program like Canva really well to create Pinterest graphics or Wedding invites.
There are people on Fiverr who get paid to play video games with lonely people which is a bit weird but shows that if you don’t think you possess a skill then you are probably wrong.
This global pandemic has taught me one thing and that is the importance of making extra money online and having a passive income is paramount.
How to make money online is now a more searched for term on Google now then it was at the beginning of the year.
Everyone’s jobs have been and still are at risk and to have a second or third source of income is like a safety net in case the worst happens.
Make sure you pick and try one of the making extra money online tips from above and see how you get on. I would love to hear some progress feedback in the comments.
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